The Rise of Maul

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"I sense something. A presence I haven't felt since...Master!" Maul exclaimed. Suddenly, the two Death Watch guards at the entrance to the throne room began grasping at their throats madly, gagging as Maul's former master strangled them with the Force. They collapsed heavily to the ground. Darth Maul got up off of the throne he had claimed as his own and stood next to the powerful figure of his brother.

"Master," Maul said, genuflecting at Darth Sidious' feet.

"I am most impressed to see you survived your injuries," Sidious commented.

"I used your training, Master, and I have built all of this in hopes of returning to your side."

"How unfortunate-that you are attempting to deceive me."


"You have become a rival!" Sidious shouted, blasting Maul and Savage with a Force wave, knocking them back against the throne room windows, holding them in place. There was a crunching sound as the glass began to crack behind the Sith brothers. Sidious released them and they fell to ground. Savage ignited the blades of his saberstaff and Maul ignited his single blade.

Darth Sidious called his two lightsabers to his hands, doing the same. Maul and Savage broke into action, advancing on Sidious. The Sith lord sliced the ground with his dual blades, outmaneuvering his former apprentice and the latter's brother.

As the duel progressed, Maul and Sidious had moved out onto a balcony, with Savage not far behind. Savage slammed into Sidious, sending him airborne. Sidious, using the Force, pulled them with him as he fell from the balcony. Once they were on the ground, the duel resumed and Sidious continued to maintain the upper hand, deflecting his opponent's blows.

Maul lunged at Sidious, providing Savage with a chance to take Sidious by surprise. As Sidious was focused on blocking Maul's strike, Savage raised his saberstaff and brought it down on the Dark Lord. It was finished. The two brothers stood over Sidious' body.

"Well done, Savage," Maul congratulated.

"Now we deal with Dooku," Savage said with relish.

"Not yet. Don't worry, we will take care of the Sith pretender Dooku in time. The Jedi will be coming."

"What will we do? Both the Republic and the Separatists will be after us now!"

"Calm yourself, my apprentice. I have a plan."

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