Chapter 1

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A/N just a side note- I've done this based on the anime Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) so if you haven't watched it. Then major Spoilers and yes some of this is from it. ANYWAYS LETS DO THIS (also, I'm not the best at spelling so if you see a mistake please correct me xx


Yuki held the gun in his two, shaking hands. Akise walked closer to him, not scared in the least of his friend. Rubble surrounds the two, but Akise pays no mind as he steps closer to Yuki.

"Akise..." Yuki whispers, taking a step back.

"So, you've killed everyone." Akise says, still walking closer to Yuki. For every 3 steps that Akise takes, Yuki takes one back.

"Akise, I have to kill you too." Yuki says although he doesn't want to. Akise is his friend, maybe more than just his friend. Yuki couldn't help but think of the two of them being together. Akise had made it very clear that he cared for him and Yuki couldn't help but want for Akise to love him like Yuki did the other boy.

"I'm kind of sorry for being soft on Yuno." Akise had taken a few more steps closer to Yuki without him knowing.

"R-really?" Yuki said.

"I should've killed her right then and there." Akise said, staring at Yuki intensely. Yuki didn't know why but he felt happiness flood through him when Akise said that.

"Then, she wouldn't have made you do this." The happiness left as guilt and regret took its place.

"I want to protect you." A blush appeared on Yuki's face as his eyes widened. Akise takes another step closer while holding up his future diary and Yuki lets him.

"Now that this has happened, I'm going to choose the future where you're the last to survive. Right now, my diary's predicting that I will kill Yuno in a few minutes from now." Yuki's eyes widen even more somehow. He thought that Yuno was already dead...

"Wha-" Yuki choked out before Akise stepped closer again.

"Yukiteru..." Akise mutters.

"Don't move! Don't move, don't move." Yuki shouts as he pulls the gun closer. Not following Yuki's orders, Akise moves in closer and puts his hands on Yuki's shoulders. The dark haired teen can't decide if he wants to shoot the boy standing before him, or throw his arms around Akise and sob.

"Listen to me Yuki! She plans on killing you too!" Said boy's eyes widen with disbelief and shock.

"A dead man can't bring anyone back. And I know why she concealed that from you. She wanted you to continue winning in this game, just so that she can be the final winner!" Yuki's eyes close with tears barely staying at the edge. Every word that Akise was saying stabbed his heart. He knew that it was true, but he had thought that he loved Yuno. Even when he thought that she was a crazy stalker at first, he had come to like her. She was his friend, even if she was going to kill him. That's how this game was supposed to end right? Friends turning against friends for immortality, that's what was supposed to happen. Yuki's eyes opened, sadness and heart break fully shown. Akise smiles apologetically at Yuki right before Yuki pulls the trigger.

Nothing. He clicks it again and again and again but still nothing. "Looks like you're out of bullets." Akise says, relief clear in his eyes. Yuno makes herself known to the two when she yells, "YUKI! Get away from Akise! Hurry!" A knife is held in her hands and blood drips from a self-inflicted wound on her side.

"Yuno...?" Yuki says, confused and hurt. 'Shouldn't I be happy that she's alive?" he thought. Yuki looks towards Akise. 'No, because if she's alive, she'll try to kill Akise. Even if she's going to kill me, I don't want either of them to die!'

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