Chapter 2

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They stopped falling about a foot from the ground. They stayed in a standstill for only a second before falling the last few inches. Akise, Yuki, and all stood with little difficulty. Yuki groaned while he stood and grabbed his head because it had started throbbing. He groaned again and swayed slightly, causing Akise to put his arm around the final diary holder.

"Wait," Akise said, looking confused, " exactly did we not die?"

"Oh, that's simple," Remia said, picking up her sword while rubbing the back of her neck, "I couldn't levitate us down all the way. Sorry about the little fall but it beats dying, don't it?" She paused, still rubbing her neck. "Why do I feel weird?"

At that exact moment, the black hair that had been over the back of her neck moved to her front and hung loosely. The 3 crisscrossing scars that had been on her neck were....gone. Just gone. Akise's expression turned from amazement to horror. He pointed towards the girl that had just saved his life, (and Yuki's), again but couldn't find any words to tell her of the change. His mouth hung open stupidly and he kept pointing until Remia finally looked up and saw the weird display.

"What?" Hearing her speak after a few seconds of silence, Yuki's head snapped up from where he had been checking if he had any injuries. Looking at Akise, Yuki almost busted out laughing but then saw what he was pointing at. Although he didn't see her neck before, he knew about the scars that were there before. Automatically, the dark haired boy put a finger under Akise's chin to close his mouth and pulled his arm down. Doing this, Akise looked over at the other boy and made a strange whining noise. Yuki gave him a funny look before speaking to Remia.

"The scars are gone." He said bluntly. He then went back to looking for injuries on both him and Akise. The reddish/pinkish eyed boy looked at him with shock then turned back towards the girl. Her eyes had gone wide with fear and she frantically rubbed at her neck. As if that would bring them back. All of a sudden, her eyes grew focused as she stared at nothing. Her hands slowly came up and 2 silver lined mirrors appeared in both of her hands. Remia moved her hair out of the way and positioned the mirrors so she could see the back of her neck. When she saw that the scars were indeed gone, she looked puzzled.

"M-maybe this means that I've got the lives back? Or d-did that light do something and t-take it away?" She stammered over her words and when she said the last three, she almost sounded like she was holding back tears. The mirrors disintegrated in her hands. Yuki looked up from his shoes and instantly felt bad about his bluntness, he hadn't realized how important those 'extra lives' were for Remia. He slowly walked towards her, barely making a sound. Reaching her side, he put his arm around her then looked towards Akise and motioned for him to do the same. Remia weakly put her arms around both boys while they put their arms around each other. The three of them stood like that, in a small circle, comforting each other just with their presence, and with their heads touching in the middle. Remia sniffled before pulling away.

"It doesn't matter right now. We should focus on the present. We need to figure out exactly what that light might have done to us and then do....damage control I guess." She said, looking around at the debris scattered everywhere and the bodies of the other diary holders/apprentice diary holders. Taking a moment, Remia closed her eyes and took a deep breath before letting it out and going over to the body of Kamado, the eighth diary user.

"What are you doing?!" Yuki yells at her, running towards Eighth and blocking Remia's path. She gives the boy a confused look before going around him but he steps in front of her again. This happens a few more times before Remia stares at Yuki with a look of irritation and says, "I'm just trying to heal her and see if I can bring her back. Now let me by." The young boy looks at the red eyed girl with shock and doesn't move. Remia makes a noise of irritation before pushing Yuki out of the way slightly. While she does her little green light healing thing, Akise and Yuki both stare at each other.

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