Name Generators

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As writers, we all know the struggle of trying to find names and surnames that just work. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have over ten baby name sites bookmarked. Lucky for me, I've discovered two(!) websites that give you first and last names, plus a bit more. The two are different, so I'll do a different section for each.

This website was the first I've found. What I like about it is the fact that it can even give you popular names from the time the character was born, plus personalities, traits, and immediate family. The full list of information the generator gives you is as follows: name, gender, hair color, eye color, street address, hometown, job, hobby, favorite sport, phone, email, personality, traits, martial status, and mother/father/siblings/children. The bonus? You can choose ethnic names as well. For instance, if I had a character of African descent, I could choose to generate African names and last names. It's my favorite for minor characters, and character inspiration.

This site I found recently. It goes a bit more in-depth than the other one. The site will generate name, middle initial, last name, street address, hometown (with zip code), mother's maiden name, social security number (log in to an account with the site to get the last four numbers), geo coordinates, phone number, country code, birthday, age, tropical zodiac, email address, username, password, website, browser user agent, credit card company, credit card number, when the credit card expires, CVC2, company, occupation, height, weight, blood type, UPS tracking numbers, Western Union MTCN, MoneyGram MTCN, favorite color, and vehicle. Whew! A bit of it is rather useless, but it's great if you need any of those things. One thing about this site is you can see the meaning of the name it gives you. With this site, like the previous, you can choose gender, name set, country, and age (look in advanced options). Hopefully one or both sites will be useful to you!

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