Character Profiles

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We all know we have to learn about our characters before we can properly write them. And what better way to do that than to create a character profile you can look back on? Mine usually include name, physique, eye color, hair color, role, motivation, goal, epiphany, and loads of questions I ask my character (see below). This helps me to understand my characters better and be able to write them correctly. There are definitely writers who don't do this, but I highly recommend it.

Here are the questions I mentioned!




Eye color:

Physical appearance:

Strange or unique physical attributes:

Favorite clothing style/outfit:

Where does he or she live? 

What is it like there?

Defining gestures/movements (i.e., curling his or her lip when he or she speaks, always keeping his or 

her eyes on the ground, etc.):

Things about his or her appearance he or she would most like to change:

Speaking style (fast, talkative, monotone, etc.):

Pet peeves:

Fondest memory:


Special skills/abilities:



Temperament (easygoing, easily angered, etc.):

Negative traits: 

Things that upset him or her:

Things that embarrass him or her:

This character is highly opinionated about:

Any phobias?

Things that make him or her happy:

Family (describe):

Deepest, darkest secret:

Reason he or she kept this secret for so long:

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