Day 1 Part 1- The Surprise

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Arabella's PoV
Today is mums birthday and I am so excited. I have waited ages to go on her birthday holiday and it is finally here. We are going to Hawaii. The most beautiful place ever. I just can't wait to leave. I still have half of the stuff I want to take left and I have already filled 1 suit case.
"Arabella you have 30 minutes until we are leaving. You better hurry up or I am will leave without you." Mum said. I had already taken 2 hours to pack 1 suit case and I still have another suitcase to go.
"Okay mum. I will be about 29 minutes until I will be ready." I thought that if I said 29 minutes then she wouldn't be so mad, but that wasn't the case.
"29 minutes are you serious you still need to find your passport and pack your suitcase. We are going for 1 month so you better hurry. If you are not ready then I will just leave you here for the month." IS SHE SERIOUS? I will not be staying here for a month I have things planned for Hawaii, that don't involve staying at my house. Grr I wish that she would just give me more time. Dad would if he was here . I heard someone knock at the front door. "Mum are you getting the door?"
"Well you are not going to get it are you?"
"Okay then I will if you are going to be like that." I said angrily. She always made it out as if I was lazy. In fact I go to the gym more times in a week then she does in a year, and I don't go every day. As I opened the front door my mouth dropped in surprise.
"Aunt Clea? What are you doing here?" Aunt Clea has not been for the past 6 years. Well since Dad went missing. She was Dads big sister and only ever came to see Dad when he was around. So for her to be here was a HUGE surprise.
"I am looking for Eliana. Is now a bad time? If so then I can come back tomorrow." She said. Aunt Clea was normally jumpy and I normally got annoyed at her, but today she seemed really, well, really, erm worried. I could tell something was wrong.
"Well no it's not a bad time. Come in." I said really worried.
"Mum its for you." I yelled up to her. She came rushing down the stairs.
"Clea is that you? We haven't seen you since the 6 year anniversary. It is such a wonderful surprise."
"I wish it was wonderful but I have have some bad news." Aunt Clea said starting to shake.

Clea's PoV:
I don't know how to tell them. I don't know how they will react. What will they think?
"Clea is that you? We haven't seen you since the 6 year anniversary. It is such a wonderful surprise." Eliana said to me I felt like she was exhausted. She also looked happy to see me. I wish I could say the same but I wasn't here to have a family reunion I was here for help.
"I wish it was wonderful but I have have some bad news." I said. I was shaking so so much.
"What is it Aunt Clea? Is it about you and uncle Kennedy?" Arabella asked. She seemed really worried, but I don't know what to say.
"No sweetie it isn't" I was shaking even more.
"Well what is it then? You are normally really jumpy. Don't get me wrong we love your enthusiasm but you aren't making very clear to see what you want to talk about." Eliana said. She to was really worried, you can tell by her change of tone. "I well, you know, well erm, I kinda got into some trouble and the rest of the family won't help you are my last hope" I said with one breathe. I am not so sure how to tell them the next part, but I will have to tell them at some point. "What sort of trouble are you in? It's unlike you to be in trouble." Arabella was right although I was a very enthusiastic person I still kept out of trouble. "I well, I erm, well." I then noticed the suitcases and realised that it was the time of year where they go on holiday. My mum gave me some Hawaii tickets for today but I didn't know why. "Why are there suitcases? Where are you going?" I asked but I think that I know why. "We are going to Hawaii for the month. We do it every birthday."
That makes sense. Mum gave me tickets to run away for a month with them and then she passed. She was the only one who new about mine and Blaze's deal. I understand now that the only way to escape is to go to Hawaii. "Mum is the only person who new that I was in trouble. She gave me some tickets to escape. She said it was my only way to get away. The date on them is today and the plane is at 7pm. Is that the same time as yours? If it is can I stay with you? Please help me I can explain everything to you when we get there." I was scared that they would be angry and say 'No' but I was kinda wrong.
"Yes you can stay with us but you have to promise that you will not get into any trouble there and that you will tell us EVERYTHING. If not we will not pay for your ticket back and we will tell the world everything that you have told us. You know that I can tell when you are lying." I think that is fair enough. I am scared that they will hate me when I tell them though. "I have no clothes packed or anything though I didn't plan on coming on holiday. What time do we have to be at the airport at the least? Do you think we will have time to do some shopping?" Eliana looked at me and laughed. I can be really dumb sometimes but right now I don't know how I am being dumb now. "What's so funny ? I didn't say anything as a joke." I looked at Arabella, who at the time was just looking at her mum with a questioning look. "We always go shopping before we go on holiday to get bikinis and essential stuff. If you want to get some clothes that's fine I will get the essentials while you an Arabella go and get clothes. Arabella wanted to get some new dresses anyway."

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