Day 1(Part 2)- Shopping

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Eliana's PoV:
As I left Arabella and Clea they thought that I was going to go get "essentials". I'm not. I'm going to meet Cory, my partner. I'm hoping that Arabella will be really pleased to know that I have moved on. I can't sit around every day with the thoughts of Blaze in my head. He was the only person I ever loved. Until I met Cory. He is so lovely and he loves kids so he should be okay with Arabella. As I walk up to Cory I see his face light up, then he starts looking sad, almost as if he were disappointed. "Hey, how are you?" He looked at me then looked round scratching his neck. "I thought that you were bringing your daughter with you so that we could meet each other."
"Yes. I have brought my daughter. She is shopping with her aunt at the moment. Their might be a slight problem though. I'm sure it will be fine." I started to feel as though meeting today was a bad idea.
"What is that slight problem?" I give him an 'ERM well' look. "She doesn't know I exist does she. You didn't tell her because of the deal you made with her."
"I thought that it was for the best to meet today and you come on holiday with us but, but then her aunt showed up and that was it memories of her Dad started popping up in her head, I could see in her eyes that she missed him. I didn't want to let you down so I didn't cancel. Come one we need to get essentials we can talk whilst we walk." As we started to walk towards the shops I noticed him fill up with stress as her started tightening on my hand."Ouch. Can you stop that. Your hurting my hand. Let go." I started shaking my hand up and down. He wasn't even paying attention. "Cory. Wake up from your day dream and let go.Finally, my hand was going purple. Don't do that again." He gave me a questioning look. He didn't even know he was pressing hard on my hand. Once we had finished getting the essentials I was starting to get hungry and I knew that there was a McDonalds across the road so I decided not to wait any longer for food. "Lets go get some food I am hungry. I will text Arabella and let her know that we are getting food. There is a McDonalds across the street that we can go to."
I could tell something was wrong he kept going into these, these daydreams and it is impossible to wake him up. I pulled out my phone and text Arabella.

Me:Hey Arabella, I will be getting food at McDonalds. You and Clea can grab something somewhere. Love you xxx

Arabella: Okay mum, me and Clea will probably stop of at KFC and get a sharing box. xxx Have fun at McDonalds xxx

Me: Thankyou xxx. Let me know when you we finished xxx

After about 25 minutes we had finished and were heading out when I saw Arabella and Clea. I grabbed Cory and ran. I can't have them meeting now. Like not right now. He was going to have to wait till a little bit later. Then my phone went off.

Arabella: Hey Mum I just saw someone that looked just like you from the back but when I called you, they didn't turn around so I gathered it wasn't you lol xxx.

Me: No, I am in New Look at the moment, how long till you are finished ?

Arabella: We are finished now that's why I called you.

Me: Okay. Meet me at the centre, in about 10 minutes.

Arabella: See you then.

"Who was it?" Cory asked.
"Erm, Arabella. Are you ready to meet her?"
"Of course. I have been ready since the day we met." This was it Cory and Arabella were finally meeting.

Arabella's PoV:
Shopping with Aunt Clea is so fun. She has a really good taste in clothes, I was going to buy 4 pink dresses and then she picked out these really ugly dresses and forced me to try them on and wow they looked good. I'm so in love with them. They suit my body type so much and the colour makes my eyes stand out. I just hope that I attract more boys that bees. I mean they are really lovely but really floral.

I can't wait to get to Hawaii as the weather here is so bad and I can't stand much more rain. It has rained 300 days in the past year, snowed 10 and been cloudy the rest.

Once we have payed for the dresses we go to meet mum. She is standing in front of this middle-aged man. "Clea, Arabella. Over here." She says. As we approach her I notice that she is holding hands with the man. "Mum, who's this?" I asked giving her a confused and questioning look. "This, Arabella, is Cory."
Mum looked at Cory and then looked at me. "I thought that you decided not to date until the 7 year anniversary. We both said it was for the best." By then I was really confused and walked of with Aunt Clea not far behind me. I could hear Mum calling me but I ignored her. I knew that if I turned back I would shout at my Mum and make a fool of myself.

How could she do this to me? To dad? I even said that I would stay home and be home schooled so that mum wouldn't get lonely. So many questions were going through my head. When did she meet him? How long have they been going out? Did she forget about Dad? Did she think about what this would do to me? Did she think about my feelings? Did she forget about our deal? With more questions running through my head the only thing I could think about is finishing of shopping and going to the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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