~ Special ~

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"Weeellll," She draws the words out. "What would you like in a guy?" I sigh again.

"What are you? A 14 year old girl?" She giggles again.

"Maaybee~ But c'mon! Answer gurl!"

I think about it.

What would I like in a guy?

"...re.. Eyr.... Eyre!" My eyes snap open and I snatch my gun from under the pillow, clicking the safety off in less than a second and aim the barrel at the person's head. He backs up, startled. My breaths are short and quick, and my hands are shaking. His eyes soften and he takes my hands.

"Did you have another nightmare, Eyre?" Kija asks and my vision finally clears. My breathing slows down and I hold a hand to my chest, clicking off the safety and setting the Beretta to my side.

"You scared me, Kija. And I didn't have another nightmare! This is my first one, and..." I trail off, pouting slightly. He chuckles and nods his head.

"Hai hai." (this isn't like, yes yes. it's more of a okay, okay. Kinda like he gets it and he understands. Ugh, I hope you know what I mean...) I yawn and rub my eyes, trying to take the exhaustion out of it.

"Do you need anything?" I ask and he blushes and looks down, fidgeting with his fingers.

"U-umm, well.. I asked Yun if we could stay a day longer to rest, and he agreed.. So I was wondering if you would like to... accompany me.. on a... date..? Uh, at the markets..." A faint blush is dusting his cheeks, and I find mine heating up as well.

"S-sure.. J-just let me get changed." I stutter and he nods his head, leaving the tent. Yun immediately rushes in after, Yona on his tails.

"We heard everything!" Yona squeals and Yun begins digging into my duffel bag, looking for the new clothes he bought me. He shoves a light green dress into my hands. It doesn't have any shoulder straps and the back opens up with strings to tie the sides together in a criss cross pattern. The sleeves end at my wrist with ruffles. There are slight ruffles at the dress's hem and it ends mid thigh. Yun hands me the same black flats I've had to wear with my kimonos before I was given boots with my pirate outfit.

"You guys don't have to make a big deal..." I mumble, slipping on the clothes. Yun rolls his eyes and grabs my lipstick. Yona smiles cheekily before weaving in some blue flowers into my hair.

"Yes, yes we do. Alright, Eyre. This is a day where you can be as clingy as you want. It's a date, and I haven't seen anything happen between the two of you for the past week or two. It's rather disappointing." I sweat drop, the corners of my mouth twitching.

"Hah.. Sorry..." He applies a light amount and just leaves it at the lipstick.

"You don't need much. You're pretty enough as is..." He trails off at the end, realizing what he's saying. He clicks his tongue and shoves me out the tent, blushing furiously. Yona giggles, telling Yun how cute he is. I chuckle and hold my hand to my lips, careful not to get any lipstick onto it.

Now where would he...

I think as I glance to my left. From behind, someone taps my right shoulder. My head turns but I see nobody there.

Ah.. I can't believe I fell for that.

I chuckle as I look to my left, only to see Kija there with a smile.

"I knew I shouldn't have taught everyone one that trick." I comment and he scratches his cheek with a finger, blushing lightly. That's when he takes notice of my clothes. I blush even darker and look down.

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