Chapter 428 - An Even Larger Fleet!

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Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

New Word.



The next day, the newspaper featured news about the agreement between the Yonkou, Monkey D. Luffy, and the World Government.

People all around the world were shocked as the Straw Hats clashed with the Marines in Dressrosa, where three admirals had been deployed, including the retired Sengoku, in Luffy's absence. However, when the Yonkou himself appeared, the tide of the battle turned against the Marines. One admiral was gravely injured, with witnesses reporting massive fire explosions, and the other two were captured shortly after, with Luffy assisting his crewmates.

Morgan News had been mapping all of the group's movements, reporting crew members in various locations across the New World. Today, there was a clear explanation of the crew's current state, with Dressrosa's area becoming their new headquarters, shown in a photo featuring floating islands in the sky and others surrounding Dressrosa, with even the Gran Tesoro out at sea.

People were wondering how a Yonkou had turned Dressrosa's territory into such a formidable force, and what would happen in the New World with the impending war.

The agreement outlined a condition in which the World Government and the Straw Hats had a non-aggression pact, handing over the former Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, but still holding Fujitora, an admiral, as a hostage in their territory to ensure the Government would not launch an attack against them in the Wano war.

Those who were beginning to regain faith in the Marines after what had happened a year ago were left in shock at this moment, for in a short time since Monkey D. Luffy had returned to the sea, two admirals had fallen: one severely injured, recovering, and another being held hostage by what people believed to be the most dangerous pirate group in the world at that moment.

With the Government unable to attack them due to the agreement, people were fearful, especially those who were more enthusiastic supporters of the Government worldwide.

In addition to the non-aggression pact and the islands around Dressrosa, another page in the newspaper emerged, showing some children around Luffy with the headline: "The Monkey D. Lineage Continues." The article claimed that Luffy already had five children.

Luffy couldn't hide this information, no matter how much he wanted to, as he would never cease to be present as a father to his children, something he himself didn't have in his childhood, just like Ace and Lucy. Naturally, this information would be easily noticed by the Government, so Luffy wasn't too concerned about having his children in the newspaper; it was only natural.

However, for the world, it was quite shocking that Monkey D. Luffy already had five children. People who feared him, worried about safety and stability in the world, began to wonder what this era and the next would be like, especially since the mothers of these children were also very powerful. Would the World Government let these children grow up? After all, the Government had already failed to kill Roger's own son.

"Damn pirates! Curse them!" shouted a man in a place far from Dressrosa, crushing the newspaper page in anger. "I swear I will destroy them! Even you, Lucy, joined this crew—what a disappointment," Zephyr exclaimed, staring at the newspaper that also reviewed some information about the pirate crew, and there was a picture of Lucy, a young woman who had trained enthusiastically with the Marines, only to end up becoming a pirate in the midst of the war and turning her back on the Marines.

"Well, that doesn't matter anymore..." he murmured at the end, staring seriously with eyes gleaming behind his glasses. "We'll have to destroy them," he said, with a clear plan to start intervening in the New World, ready to set it into motion.

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