Chapter 6

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~so I got bored and I decided to update this story.The next chapter will be about the mash up. Thank you singer14 for keeping me motivated to write this story also the last chapter was trash so I'm redoing it. So go 're read if you'd like.~

Kaz pov
I checked my phone it was a message from Spark, my ex super hero girlfriend that was crazy psycho.


Kaz-No I don't and it's none of your concern


Kaz-No I'm not now bye

As I put my phone back in my pocket. Zoe walked in.
"Hey Kaz" she said setting down beside me on the couch
"Hey Zoe,how it's going with Oliver"I asked
"Not good but he's coming over later, but I'm going to take a nap wake me up when he gets here" She said kissing my cheek before walking upstairs. She obviously had a long day.
Well what can I do. I got up and walked to the kitchen to get some coke. I took a sip of my coke when my phone vibrated again this time it was a call from Spark. I ignored it and walked back to the living room. There was a knock on the door. I thought I was Oliver was I said come in. I was dead wrong.

"Hey Kaz" Spark said
"Where did you come from you have to leave"I said trying to push her out of the house
"Oh so you don't your little girlfriend to know I'm here" She asked. Oh my Lord she's annoying
"Shes not my girlfriend and no your just psycho" I said managing to get her out off the house
By then Oliver was pulling up
"Come on Spark leave"Oliver said helping me
"Fine, but Kaz you will be mine"

Zoe pov
"Zoe Oliver is here" Kaz said shaking me awake
I got up and just brushed my hair I really didn't care how I looked. I walked down stairs and sat on the couch I knew I still had the sleepy voice

"*Yawn* So Oliver I know..." My eyes started drawing heavy as I was talking

"Zoe are you ok" Oliver asked I nodding and that was the last thing I remember

Oliver pov
I thought Zoe was just tired until just literally passed out in my lap. I tried waking her up but she wouldn't move.

"KAZ, ZOE WANT WAKE UP". I yelled for Kaz
"What do you mean" He asked walking down stairs
"I mean nothing is waking her up, I think she got a virus from the hospital, call 9.1.1" Said lifting up Zoe in my arms and put her in the car.
"Oliver we can't take her the hospital, for a super hero virus" Kaz said
"And it's no way she will get to mighty med in time, call Spark tell her to met us at Starbucks in 2 minutes we need her to fly Zoe to mighty med" I put Zoe on the and Kaz called Spark.

Luckily Spark followed through and we got to Mighty Med on time.

"She will be fine we got the virus out in time before it did any damage. she will be back to normal by tomorrow" Hourse said before walking out of the room.

"You should go get some sleep I'll stay with her tonight" I told Kaz

He nodded and walked off. Zoe was a sleep so I decided to do the the cafeteria and get a soda

"Like what I did to your little girlfriend" I turned around to see...

Kaz pov
When I got home I decided the only right thing to do is text Spark and thank her

Kaz-Thanks for saving my friend it means a lot maybe you're not all that bad
Spark- No problem I am a super hero after all
Kaz-Well I want to make it up to you, Spark would you like to go on a date with me?
Spark- I would love to, Firebirds tomorrow at 7 ?
Kaz-Sure see you there

(Firebirds is a really expensive stake house my aunt took us the when we visited her in D.C a Burger was $11 by it's self so yea)

I tucked my phone under my pillow and fall asleep.

~Thanks singer14 again, do know her real name but oh well~

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