Part 3

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  • Dedicated to AllJensenAcklesfans!

"Shit, shit, shit..." He keeps mumbling to himself. 

"Jensen?" You speak softly. "Is it the gang?" 

You're too afraid to know the answer. The gang that you're talking about is a very notorious gang and it is infamous for its hijacking. You have heard a lot about them from your mom and dad and you very well know that they are not someone to be messed with. Moreover, the cops also are helpless and cannot do anything about this matter. 

"I'm afraid it's them." Jensen says. You gulp and nod. "What are we going to do?" 

"We should just wait here for a while. Think you can stay silent and not panic?" He asks. You nod your head again. 

"Okay good." He says and then runs a hand through his hair as another shot is heard. You flinch and sink to the floor a little. Loud screams are heard from outside. You start hyper-ventilating but you try to calm yourself down. Jensen slides down beside you. 

"What are we gonna do?" He murmurs. You snap your attention to him. 

"I dunno. Think you can get hold of somebody through your phone?" You ask.  

"What happened to your phone?" He inquires. 

"I left it with *your friend's name -" you suddenly stop mid-sentence. "OH MY GOD! I don't know where she is!?!!  

"Hey, hey, hey!" Jensen rushes over to you and pulls you close to him. "It's okay. We're gonna find her as soon we get out of here, alright?" 

"Y-yeah," you stutter as you try to take a deep breath. 

"I'm gonna try my phone once." He says as he pulls away and gets up quietly. You immediately miss the comfort of his arms as he paces around the small cubicle.  

"Nope," he shakes his head after a few moments of silence. "Signal's gone." 

"What are we gonna do?" You say, running a hand through your hair. 

"We'll just have to wait over here patiently until someone comes to rescue us." He says while putting his phone inside. You sigh and mutter colorful words under your breathe.  

"I'm sorry, what?" He asks, clearly confused. 

"Nothing," you brush it off. He just shrugs and sits down with you.  

"Has this ever happened to you?" You whisper silently. 

"It had happened once. I was at a Club and they kind of hopped out of nowhere and threatened the manager into giving them money." He explains in the same tone that you used. 

"Sick bastards." You curse and stand up. 

"What are you doing?" He gets up along with you. 

"I'm not doing anything." You say and sigh. "I'm just trying to think." 

"Uh, okay." He answers and sits back down. You bend a little to see what's happening outside. It's quaintly silent and peaceful. That is until you see a bloody shoe. You gasp and back away until your pressed to Jensen.  

"What happened?" He asks.  

You point at the door. "S-Someone's dead." You sniffle. 

"Come here," he commands and pulls you closer to him. He places his head on your neck. "Now take deep breaths."  

Your breath hitches for a while at your proximity but you comply to his wishes. His arms snake around your waist and he pulls you even closer, so that you're practically sitting on him. He opens his legs wide and allows you to move into the space. You move a little so that you're sitting sideways and place your head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you wrap yours around his neck. You close your eyes and wait patiently.

A/N: Ahem! Aren't we getting a little too close?;) Didn't think this through. Just wrote it down :P Vote and comment!:)  Pic of Jensen on the side!:D


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