Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven


I kick Torin in the side, he lets out a noise. Baby

“You know, I don’t know how long you’ve been aware of what’s been happening…but I'm pretty sure this is day 3, and it’s not going to get easier, it’s going to get even harder. It’s going to be hell on earth” he stares at me, yet I don’t feel scared.

I grab the sheet off the ground, and hand it too him. He stares at it confused

Sighing I crouch down and wrap it around him, I hate being this close to him.

“Well according to you, their blood can’t touch us. It was a theory you were about to kill me over, lets hope your wrong for your sake”

“You know, I was about to walk outside tonight, let them come and get me… I can’t live with it anymore, Zoe” his eyes look glassy, distant

I stop from breaking a chair, trying to find some kind of weapons for the battle outside the door.

He’s crying, oh my god. He’s crying!

“Don’t start thinking like that, don’t you dare” I stare at him, this pathetic boy who doesn’t know how lucky he is to be alive. He looks down.

Feeling bad I crouch down again, bringing my fingers under his chin and make him stare at me.

“I know how hard this must be, how confusing… but it what it is is. We can only move forward, now come on and get away from that door” I grasp his hand and haul him up, keeping my eye on him the last thing I need to worry about is him running head on into those things.

I shove a piece of broken wood in his hands; they fumble but keep a tight hold. I hold them a moment longer and let them go

“If we survive this I might forgive you for almost killing me” I look back at him, he looks sad and guilty… well good, he should be.

“I couldn’t have killed you, you fight well” I roll my eyes and tippy toe back to the door

“Also, were going to pick up a few people on the way if you want to stick together”

He scoffs but I gnore him, I lean against the door and peek through, I see a flash of a body and it’s gone again. They’re trying to look for something.

I snap my fingers behind my back, I want to leave him back, find my sister and try surviving this effed up world, but I know I need somebody, at least for now.

His light touch hovers over my shoulder, and I yank his arm so he’s standing beside me.

“Remember I'm not protecting you, if we are in trouble I'm running, and I wont give it a second thought” he looks shaken, good.

My hand on the knob, I yank it open… just like a bandage, better to get it over with

Without talking time to look around, I grab Torrin’s hand and bolt down the stairs.

Then I pause, he crashes into me and I fly into the door, knocking down a coat rack near by

“My bag!” I whisper through my teeth, I push him toward the door and run to the kitchen.

You ever watch aliens’ vs. predators? Or something along that line, that grumbling in their throat… no, it sounds more like Chewbacca!

Almost slipping on the floor, I grab my bag off the ground and gather the bottles of water that fell out, again, about to run out but I go back for the picture on the fridge. He deserves to remember the happy memories he had with them not all the bad and blood.

Suddenly hands on my shoulder, flipping the blade from my pocket I stab into flesh, shove the body and collapse on the ground, backing quickly away

A scream, those monsters don’t scream.

“Oh my god! “

 I jump up and run toward Torin, his face is twisted into a pale angry painful mess

He’s clutching his hand, cradling it with his other

“You stab me!” he shouts, and I wince.

“I'm sorry, but you snuck up on me! What the hell was I suppose to do!?” I glance down and watch the blood well up and spill on the floor, leaving a trail whenever he shifts

 I groan and take a bandana from my bag, cursing under my breath as I tie it tight. This was Hannah’s… no, this IS Hannah’s.

“Zoe…” he breathes my name, it gives me Goosebumps

I turn quickly and see one of them, staring at me. Her gaze so intense it hurts, it’s hypnotic. her body is bent, her skin so pale it looks see through.

I lower myself to the ground, smear my hand in the blood and calmly rise. Not trying to spook her. trying not to think how repulsive this is.

I run my hand across the table top, and I watch as her gaze snaps to the streak of blood I'm leaving, her feet wobble and she charges, Torin grabs me and rolls to the side. Without pausing we run for the door, foot steps.

I let my bag fall from my shoulder, and with out looking or aiming, I swing around and feel the impact as my bag hits the head of somebody, and he trips and runs into a wall.

He slams the door behind us and we run down the street, not stopping once.

“I'm craving popcorn, you know”

I stare at him, out of all the things he could’ve said

I start laughing, a sound so weird, a feeling so unfamiliar.

“I'm sure you’ll survive”

I keep my head high and my body in the direction of our destination.

And of course, my eyes open for the flesh eating monsters.


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