LJ X Candymaker!reader

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Jack rubbed his eyes, only to hiss and retract his hand quickly. Feeling around the mattress he tried to grasp at you. Unfortunately for him he remembered that he had messed with your dreams and made you leave to go continue to sleep on the couch. Grumbling, he tried to open his eyes slowly. His head was pounding from who-knows-what. He sighed. What could it be now? He stretched his arms and found that every muscle in his body was sore. He felt as awful as hell- what had he done to get into this state? Jack didn't remember.

Sitting up slightly on his side a vicious cough racked his body. He needed help.
"FN!" He called out weakly, his breathing ragged.
"FN!" He called a little louder until he heard shuffling coming from the living room.
He laid back down on his side and closed his eyes, waiting for you to come.

He heard the door creak open and you shuffle into the doorway.
"You need something?"


You heard Jack calling your name for his room. Signing loudly you stood up. You didn't want to see him right now. Not after that crazy dream, but you still went to see him in fear of angering him.

"You need something?"

'Damn!' You internally cringed. He looked terrible- more that usual. His eyes were swollen and a deep red, his breathing was rapid and wheezy and his arms seemed bruised.

Signing, you knew what he wanted without him speaking.
"Do you have a medical kit?"


Jack frowned at your question. 'Medical kit? Why would she want that. Is she hurt?'
Nodding his head lightly, he spoke quietly. "In the bathroom."

He saw you turn and disappear through the door doorway and his frown deepened.

"Fn!" He croaked
"Fn! Don't leave me..." He whispered the last part and laid his head back on his pillow to rest.


You came back from the bathroom with the medical kit and found Jack sleeping. His breathing was still ragged but seemed to be slightly better. You shot a fond smile in the direction of the almost sweet and peaceful scene, but it faded quickly as you realised it couldn't last very long. Kneeling by his bed you called his name quietly. He opened one eye to look over you.

"Are you cold?" You questioned, watching him closely.

He shrugged and said 'A little bit' so you told him to hang tight a second while you went and pulled an extra blanket from the living room. You returned and threw the blanket over Jack and even tucked him in so he'd stay warm.

You took the white box beside you before rummaging inside of it. With a triumphant 'Aha!' you pulled out an electric thermometer before putting one of the little plastic covers on the piece that goes in the mouth. You instructed Jack to open his mouth so you could stick the pointed end under his black and white stripped tongue. 'Huh' you thought. He seemed reluctant but was too weak to really protest so he complied. A minute later it beeped and you let him spit it out so you could read the temperature.

He had a extremely high fever. Clicking you tongue, you once again turned on you heeling. Calling out to Jack that you'd 'Be back in a few minutes'.


Jack nodded although he didn't think you saw.

He watched you walk off, and once you left, his mind immediately began to wander until a microwave beep startled him out of his thoughts.

He heard bowls clicking, silverware clanging, and thumps of things falling to the bottom of the trash can. He wondered if you were a good cook. He knew you where good with sweets but where you good with regular meals?

Soon enough, you walked back in the room with a bowl of soup and a nice, clean spoon in hand. You carefully handed him the bowl, careful not to spill any of the contents.

"Hopefully you like it. It should help you feel a little better." Smiling, you took a seat next to him again, watching him closely.

Jack looked at the bowl with a pout. He wasn't found of any food but candy. He kept scowling at the bowl until he heard you huff.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to get better." You voice sounded angry but had a motherly tone underneath.

Jack sighed, took a deep breath and blew on his first spoonful of soup. He then sipped it up. He simply smiled back at you. A fake smile but an appreciative one- you had put so much effort into this. You weakly smiled back, watching him sloppily down the rest of the soup. Once he had finished, you took the dishes back out to the kitchen to wash them.

While you were gone, Jack went back to his thoughts. Why exactly where you helping? He's weak and you could easily overpower him and leave. So why hadn't you?

Once you came back, Jack watched you carefully.

You flashed him a smile. "I've also got something else for you." You sat back down on the bed and began searching through the medical kit once again. Jack eyed you gingerly. 'What's she up to.' You pulled out a bottle of cold medicine-you hoped it would help him feel a bit better.

Jack saw the bottle and immediately clasped his hands over his mouth and shook his head 'no' violently. Even though his arms where sore and the sudden movement hurt, there was no way he was taking medicine. He loathed the stuff.

"Do you want to feel better?" You asked as you poured the medicine in a small cup. "Because if you don't, I can just leave, you know."

Jacks eyes widened. You knew you could leave in his weak state. He glared at you bitterly. How dare you threaten him with you leaving. His glare softened slowly. You weren't really going to leave him where you?

Jack groaned in defeat and slowly removed his hands from his mouth.

You handed Jack the cup and he stared at the gross-looking medicine. He gulped, and looked back and forth between the cup and you. He gave you a pout and huffed before you shot him back a glare. He grumbled bitterly and chugged the whole thing. He shivered afterwards, definitely not liking the taste. He handed the small cup back to you.

"I'm going to wash this out, okay? I'm also going to raid your bathroom cabinet to see if there's anymore medicine that might help." Before Jack could even protest to more medicine you had left the room.

Jack suddenly felt very tired and found himself fighting to stay awake. 'Must be the m-medicine...'

Jack's head collapsed onto his pillow and he fell into a deep sleep.


You had come back into the room with some more medicine you had found underneath the the sink counter top only to find Jack fast asleep. You smiled softly.
'The medicine must had kicked in.'

Sitting on the end of the bed, you reached out and petted Jacks hair softly-to make sure you wouldn't wake him, although you were sure the medicine would prevent that.

Sighing, you watch his sleeping form.

'Am I really falling for a monster?'

Sorry this was very late guys. I was busy with a lot of stuff and was recently fighting a bad virus. I'm better now and have some time off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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