Laughing Jack X Candymaker!Reader

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Crawling the remaining length of your body, he grasped at the tethers around your arms cutting them in one swift motion. He slowly manoeuvred back down your body whilst treacherously dragging his claws down your chest and abdomen. Reaching your legs he did the same to those tethers which he had done to your arms. He stood at the end of the bed as you rubbed do your aching wrists.

Looking up your gaze met his. He shifted before retracting a scroll from his inner vest pocket and throwing it at you. It landed loosely on your lap. Before you had the chance to question, he answered.
"It's a chore list. I want everything on the list completed by the end of the day, if not there will be consequences to pay. Your first chore is to make me dinner, I want it ready before I come back at eight." And with that he sauntered out of the room, leaving you in a world of confusion. How had this happened? Why couldn't you have at home when that circus came?

Standing, you moved cautiously-you didn't want anything popping out at you, you couldn't handle any more surprises today. On reaching the door you gingerly stepped out into the dimisk hallway. Surveying the area around you, you saw no sign of him or any other creature. With that you sprinted down the hallway to the far door, hoping it was an exit. Reaching it, you turn the knob. Nothing. Getting more desperate you bang on the door.
"Don't do that." a voice whispered. You turned, startled. You saw...nothing. Slightly spooked you turn and continue your assault on the door.
"There watching. They'll tell him."
"There's no way out."
"Key. You need it." Multiple voices whispered at you. It came to a point where it was so over powering it sounded like they where screaming at you.
"Ok! Ok!" You shouted back. "Alright, I'm stopping."

Sighing, you knew you had no choice. The door was firm in its place and you needed a so-called key to open it. Proceeding, you thought about what he said. 'Dinner?' Where in this place would you find the kitchen! After what seemed like eternity of wandering around the maze-like hallways you found what seem to be a kitchen-or at least what was left of one.

It was in ruin. The ghastly stench from the bedroom was even more pungent in the kitchen. Cupboard doors were on their hinges, a fridge that looked like it hadn't been cleaned out in years stood in the centre of the kitchen and mould,slimy puddles and rats where plentiful.

Taking a deep breath and try to calm yourself. You had a job to do and one that would have dire consequences if not completed. Shuffling over to the cupboards-avoiding the puddles on the floor- you scanned through them. Your face scrunched in ire.
"What am I supposed to do with this? All he has is sugar and flavourings!"
"That's all he eats, miss.."
Startled by the sudden voice you turned, only to find the child that you had seen before. 'All he eats is sugar?' Then it became apparent to you. 'Of course! I'm a candy maker and all he eats is sweets! It all makes sense now why he took me.'

Nodding at the child you began to gather ingredients. Looking at the jumble of sweet ingredients before you you thought about what you could make. Fudge? Chocolate? 'What would make him happ- /FavCandy\. I remember him saying he liked it.' Shuffling through ingredients you found the ones you needed. Looking around after you had mixed the ingredients it became clear to you that there was no oven.
"Er.. Is there an oven?" You ask the boy- who had just been watching you from the doorway. He nodded and told you to follow him.

After you finished making little final touches you noticed the time. 7:32pm. He would be back soon. Happy with 'his dinner' you decide to see what else was one the chore list, hoping there might be something easy you could quickly fit in. Unravelling the scroll your gaze wandered over the chores:
•cook dinner
You had just finished that.
•do laundry
•clean kitchen
•organise storage room
None of the chores seemed to be quick ones. Especially the 'clean kitchen' chore, that one would probably take an entire day itself. Grumbling obscenities to yourself you began to place back the used ingredients.

Just as you had placed the last sugar bag away a loud knocking resonated in your ears. You thought nothing of it until...
"Jack open the fuck up! I have a favour."

Laughing Jack X Candy maker!Reader(Temp.Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now