Chapter 22: Mother Dear

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Loki's mom and I were driving back from the pack doctor's office. I was still in shock. Twins. I mean I just had triplets. I'm pretty sure by the end of the year I was going to have about 20 kids at the rate we are going. Next time I'll make sure Loki wraps it up.

''So how are you going to tell, Loki?", Loki's mom, Karewren, asked.

''I'll just tell him when we get home.'', I said. I didn't have time for making a surprise. These babies were coming in 3 months and I needed to be prepared. I barely knew how to take care of Lola,Loki, and Luke. How could I take care of two more. I was going to have to do the thing I hated the most. The thing that absolutely terrified me. The thing that was in my nightmares. I was going to have to read baby books.

''Did you guys ever use any form of protection?'', she asked. Talking about Loki's and I's sex life with his mom was not something I ever thought I would be doing.

''Well no. We just got caught up in the moment.", I said, blushing hard. This is so embarrassing.

''Well if you guys keep getting caught up in the moment, you're going to have like 80 children by next year.", she said.

''I'll talk to Loki about me possibly getting on birth control or we'll just use condoms.", I said. I'm thinking birth control would be the best way to go. I mean condoms can break, but I think birth control has a 1% chance of not working. We will just have to use both I guess.

''Good. As much as I love having a lot of grandkids, you are still young and you need to live life. You are only 18, Gwen. You should be out with your friends having fun.", she said.

''I have fun with Loki.", I said. I didn't need friends and besides I didn't trust any of these fuckers out here.

''Yeah to much fun.", she said, as we pulled up at the house. I blushed and told her thanks for bringing me. We got out the car and went into the house. Loki came down the stairs.

''How did the doctor's office go?", he asked, walking up to me.

''Well I don't have a stomach virus or anything like that.", I said, looking at him.

''Well then what is it?", he asked, looking worried.

''I'm pregnant.'', I blurted out.

''What?", he asked. Is this dude serious?

''I'm pregnant, with twins.", I said.

''Your very fertile.", he said, narrowing his eyes. His mother smacked him upside the head.

''Now we have to have a talk. Are the children sleeping?", she asked. Loki nodded his head. We all sat down on the couch.

''Now I know you two love each other, but their are many ways of expressing love. You can hug each other, hold hands, and even cuddle. You do not need to have sex. If you a-

Loki raised his hand interrupting his mother. ''Yes?", his mother asked.

''I just want to say that it is not my fault. I try to cuddle and talk to her, but she always seduces me.", he said.

''No I don't.", I yelled. ''Really now.'', he asked, raising an eyebrow.
''Really.", I said. He looked kind of hot today.

''Did you just see that, Mom?", he asked, pointing to me.

''See what?", she asked, looking at him like he was crazy.

''That looked she just gave me.", he said.

''Karewren he's lying. I didn't even do anything.", I said, raising my hands up in the air.

''Yes, you did."

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