Chapter 18: Summertime Sadness

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A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter. I wanted to upload again since the last chapter was so short. This one is to, so sorry. Anyways thank you spiderman_love55 for voting and emilym1570 for voting and commenting.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~©Copyright 2015, -Bookie-

Gwen's P.O.V.

''Loki. What happened?", I said, as he walked into the room.

''I'm so sorry honey, we were to late.", he said, sniffling slightly.

''What happened with the babies?'', I asked, trying to stay calm.

'' The doctor told me I could only save you or the babies. And I knew you would want me to save the babies and then his assistant came in and said that they had you stabilized, so I thought it was a win-win situation. You were okay and we got to save the babies. I told him to do the treatment on the babies,but then another doctor came in and said the babies wouldn't make it. I'm so sorry, Gwen.", Loki's said, hugging me tight.I hugged Loki tighter and started crying. I heard him start to cry and the doctor came in.

''I'm sorry. You can hold them while their still here. If you would like.", the doctor said. I nodded my head and he brought the babies in. He handed two of them over to me, while Loki held the other baby.

''I'll leave you two alone.", the doctor said, closing the door. I looked down at the babies in my arms.

''This is Lola and Luke.", I said, looking down at them. Lola looked exactly like Loki. She had his blonde hair and she had his green eyes. Luke had my black hair and Loki's green eyes. I played with their little hands and Lola wrapped her hand around my index finger. Luke was tugging on my hair.

''Loki looks just like you.", Loki said, looking down at him.

''Lola looks exactly like you.", I replied back. I looked down at Loki and stroked his little face, he started giggling. He had my lips and my nose. His hair was black and curly like mine and his eyes were dark brown. I let Loki hold Lola, while I held Loki and Luke. Loki started moving around in my arms, while giggling and Luke was still busy messing with my hair. Loki and I were both quiet just wanting to savour this moment, a moment we'll never have again. Loki took Luke in his arms along with Lola.

''Daddy loves you guys.", Loki said to the babies, stroking each of their faces.

''And mommy loves you too.", I said, kissing each of their foreheads. I felt them go still in my arms. Their eyes were closed and I knew they were gone. I looked over at Loki and Lola's eyes were closed too. I felt tears start to run down my face. I kissed each of their cheeks one more time before the doctor came in and took them away. Loki and I held each other and started crying softly. I couldn't believe our babies were gone. We held each other for a few minutes before Loki spoke up.

''You ready to go, baby?", he said, his voice cracking. I nodded my head unable to speak. He handed me a coat since I was in a hospital gown. I put it on and we walked out the door. We got into the car and we didn't speak a word. We were to absorbed in our own thoughts. When we made it home, Loki helped me out the car.

''Are you hungry?", Loki asked as we walked into the house. I know he was trying to cheer me up with food, but I didn't feel like eating right now.

''No, I'm alright.", I said. ''I can make some cheesecake.", he said. I couldn't resist. I hesitated for a moment before saying yes. He smiled slightly and kissed me on the forehead.

''Everything's going to be alright, baby.", he said, hugging me. I hugged him back.

''Did you find the person that crashed into me?", I asked.

''No, but when I do. I'm going to kill them.'', he said harshly.

''Calm down, baby.", I said, rubbing his shoulders, trying to calm him down. I felt his anger through our link.

''I'm sorry, Gwen.", he said.

''It's okay. Now go make my cheesecake.", I said, pecking him on the lips. I went upstairs to go lay down. I knew everything wasn't okay, but I could pretend it was. I snuggled under the covers and went to sleep.

Loki's P.O.V.

I felt like everything was my fault. I should have been there to protect Gwen and the babies. If I would have stayed there with her I could have made sure she got to the pack house safely. I couldn't believe she had gotten into a car accident. Well it wasn't particularly an accident. The car came crashing on her side and also when they went to the car accident scene the driver had fled. I knew something wasn't right with this whole situation. I got some people in my pack to get some fingerprints from the steering wheel in the car. They were processing the fingerprints now and in a few minutes I should know who did it.

''Alpha we know who did it and you aren't going to be happy.", my pack member, Jonas, mind-linked me. I told them I would be on my way. I went upstairs to our room and saw Gwen sleeping. I went over and shook her gently.

''Baby, I need you to come with me.", I said, stroking her face gently.

''I love you, Loki.", she mumbled sleepily, leaning toward my touch and sighing in content.

''I love you too, baby. I need you to wake up.", I said. She opened up her eyes a little bit and looked at me.

''What happened?", she asked, sluggishly.

''I have to go to the pack house. I'll tell you when you get there." She lifted her arms up and I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck and snuggled up to my chest. I went outside to my car and opened up the passenger seat. I tried to put her in the seat, but she groaned in protest.

''No.'', she mumbled, gripping onto my T-shirt.

''Baby, I got to get you in the car.", I said, putting her in the seat this time. I put on her seatbelt and closed her door. I went around the car and got into my the driver seat. I started up the car and made my way to the pack house. I arrived at the pack house and mind-linked Jonas to meet me in my office. Gwen was still asleep so I carried her into the pack house. I went into my office and laid Gwen down in the couch. Jonas came in and bowed. I motioned for him to take a seat. He sat in front of me, looking scared.

''So who did it?", I asked, cutting to the chase. I really needed to know because I was ready to kill this motherfucker. I was thinking of all the ways I could torture them. I may even let Gwen join in on the fun.

''Well we put the fingerprints in our data system and James Willow popped up?'', he said.

''Who's James Willow?", I asked confused.

''The Luna's father.", he said, shakily.

This was a drama packed chapter. Hoped you enjoyed! Thanks spiderman_love55 for voting and emilym1570 for voting and commenting. Thanks everyone else for reading. Love you guys. As always vote, comment, and follow me.

Yours Truly,


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