CHARACTERS- Mostly the main ones you meet.
Isildilia- Is-ill-dilly-ya
Dakelo- Dah-kell-oh
Valin- Vah-lin (simple that one isnt it)
Froyza- Froy (rhymes with toy) -zah
Rhinel- Rhy-nell
Rhincale- Rin-kale
Elencra- Ee-len-krah
Thinel- Thine-(Rhymes with time)-nell
Owel- Oh-well
Rifuka- Ree-foo-kah
Thiryqa- Thy (Rhymes with die) -rhy (again, rhymes with die)-q-wah
Litz- (Rhymes with ritz)
Hin- Rhymes with Bin.
Killni- Kill-knee
Yui- You
Amithae- Am (as in ham)-mith- hay
Xavier- Have-e-yah
Juhnik- Joo-nick
Polk- Rhymes with Yolk.
Fivikthq- Five-kee-que
Dillith- Dill- eth The elite wolves.
Pareth- Pa- reff Zail -- Rhymes with pail
Dierit- Die- rit (rhymes with grit) Giaev- Gi- ah-eve
Xnifo- ze-nee-fo Domiva - Dom-eve-a
Biloth- Bee-loth Moriala -More-e-alla
Jundi- Joon-dee Janza- Jan-zah
Snoli- Sn-ole-ee Norv- Nore-ve
Ferica- Fur-ee-kah
Plireth- Plea- reff
Grillio- Grill-e-oh
Fromal- Fro (and in to and fro) mall
Lofia- Low-fee-ah
Ralamoa - Rall-ah-moe-ah
Sazoloa- Sah-zoe-loe-ah
Yalothiz- Ya-low-fiz
Hoamo- Hoe-ah-mo
Yitna- Yee-it-na
Valin (Book 3 of the White Lily Trilogy)- first draft
Fantasy"All right, White Lily, since it appears you won't let me out, I'll play this game. If there is a way out, I will find it. If there isn't, I will make one." With the peace negotiations, taking a crash and trapped in the world created for her protect...