Ch 4- Match Maker

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Ruki and Ro kept going out for their regular "huntings" for another three months, during which Ruki felt like he lost a part of himself as Ro went out with another man and never came back. First month, Ro always came back to Ruki's arms. They'd go home together and cuddle in bed for a while then they'd eat ice cream and watch meaningless TV shows. Ruki always made time for her, even though all he wanted was to crawl somewhere and sleep. But something happened in their 6th time. Ruki showed this blonde guy to her which made her tighten her jaw then she made her mind up and approached to him. 10 minutes later they were gone, Ruki waited for 3 hours in the bar, but she never came back. After that night she just never came back. They were going out today again but Ruki just didn't want to watch her take off with another man. He hadn't gone any where with a woman since he met Ro. He groaned and tried to stop thinking about Ro but as he decided on it the door rang and it was Ro.
Ruki: Hello sunshine.
Ro: Hello dearie.
Ruki:You are early.
Ro: no, its about that. I cant stay long but i need to talk for 5 minutes.
Ruki let her in.
Ro: Cant sit either, but.. I just wanted to say that I couldnt come today. I dont want to go anymore too. That man you picked last week. He is very nice and we have a date tonight. So.. I am sorry i should have said before but you were very busy.
Ruki: Its okay. You couldnt have reached me if you tried soo... But we'll see each other tomorrow?
Ro: definitely! I' ll meet the guys! I mean i should have met them 3 months ago. Kai and Sumire are back too so it shall be fine. I feel like i forced my self into the group.
Ruki: You kind of did.
Ro: oh god you should have said no!
She laughed.
Ruki: are you bringing the guy too?
Ro: Oh my god i forgot him. I gotta go but no, of course he is not coming. You are not going alone, right?
Ruki: you dont want me to be alone there?
Ro: not that,but... Never mind
Ruki: nah i am not going, dont you worry. I kind of been... I dont know, i just dont want to go.
Ro: "aint no sunshine when she is gone"
She winked and left before Ruki said something.
Sumire: Kai turn the AC on please, its burning. So wait, how did you meet this guy?
Kai: he is a doctor right?
Ro: Yes yes. Ruki picked him.
Kai: How exatly did he pick him?
Sumire: Is ruki pimping you out? I mean what the hell "he picked" means.
Ro: we have been going out together, remember that?
Sumire: Cant forget. I had a heart attack when you said you guys were going out together.
Ro: well, we have been picking people for each other.
Kai: huh?
Sumire: They were pimping each other!
Ro: no! It was actually a lot of fun. We became really good friends.
Sumire: I am still your bestie though?
Ro hugged her from behind.
Ro: Always! Ah here we are!
Sumire: Leave it to ruki to find places this beautiful.
Kai: he is already jumping of pf the cliffs.
Kai got out off the car and waved towards Ruki, but he didnt see them.
Instead of Ruki Aoi replied by waving his hands and gesturing him to come closer. They were sitting under this huge pergola, which had an opening to sea so you could jump from there too.
Aoi: Oh man! You sure did take your time.
Sumire: would you be suprised to know that we got lost?
Uruha: That! Suprises me not.
He opened his long arms and hugged Sumire. He was too tall for Sumire so he had to bent down a bit.
Aoi: You must be Ro?
Ro: Thats me.
Uruha: I thought you were half Japanese
Aoi: its more like quarter i thought. Why the hell did you think she was half.
Uruha: well her mother is half. I assumed her father to be Japanese too. Still she has no hint of Japan.
Ro: My sister looks more like a Japanese half. She has dark straight hair and Japanese eyes but they are blue.
Uruha: Do you two look a like to each other?
Ro: Our faces are very similar except the eyes. May I ask something funny? I should have known it by now but...
Aoi: Sure thing.
Ro: Which is Yuu and which is Kouyou?
Uruha: I am Kou or Uruha. Thats Aoi the Mr Grumpy or Yuu.
Aoi punched Uruha's arm.
Aoi: You already know Ruki so that other blonde is Reita or Akira. So that completes the meeting section which should have been 3 months ago. But these guys decided to go on a vocation and things piled up. Its nice to meet you.
Ro: Nice to meet you guys too. i have heard a lot but never had the chance.
Aoi: Life happens. By the way Kai, we need to talk about the little guy.

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