Chapter 1

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I was on my own when the end came. I was getting ready to go to school from my dorm room when I heard the screaming. My brain told me to not intervene, that maybe some girl accidentally had a prank played on her, or that she was screaming with excitement- yet, I couldn't ignore my gut that told me that the scream was neither of those options.

I decided to give in and swung open my door and sprinted down the narrow hallway to see Keith cornering Ashley. Ashley was a 'blonde bombshell' with a million dollar smile and a contagious laugh, she was kind and always made an effort to talk to me even when I was too shy to make friends. Keith was a guy from Russia who lived in our dormitory, I hadn't talk to him much but I had heard he was a nice guy who drank vodka like it was water. Except for when I saw him, he didn't look like a 'nice' guy. He was covered in blood, smothered in it from head to toe, and he looked like he was craving to devour Ashley, who was cowering near the wall behind her, trying to kick and push Keith away. Due to his strong stature the man didn't move, but hobbled towards her. Ashley caught my gaze and started to scream.

"Alex! Please help me!" She wailed.

I froze as I couldn't stop the horrible scene playing before me. How on earth could I help? Maybe I could divert his attention.

"Hey, stop it!" I finally found my voice, but Keith paid me no heed, relentlessly advancing towards Ashley. She fought back desperately, flailing her limbs in a futile attempt to ward him off. Panic surged through me as I realized the depths of Keith's depravity.'Oh god' I thought, 'what's he going to do to her?' His mouth opened, revealing a set of decaying, yellow teeth that sank into Ashley's vulnerable neck.

The stench of blood filled the air, and bile rose in my throat as I watched the blood splatter on the walls and Keith's relentless savagery. Yet, I wasn't frightened due to the gruesome sight before me. There had been rumors on our doctors and medical science chat at university, the CDC had leaked files about a new potential deadly virus, one that turned people into 'zombies.' Many people said the whole thing was a hoax, me being one of them, as the files leaked had multiple pages missing and just seemed to be fake. So knowing what I had been warned about was coming to fruition I felt guilty, terrified and sick to my stomach. How on earth was this possible?

My brain kicked into gear as fight or flight controlled me. I was a doctor and if I was going to right my wrong doings I would have to try and save Ashley.  I sprinted down the hall and stopped in my tracks when I realised I had no weapon. I span around looking for some thing to use, propped up on the wall was a fire extinguisher. I used my weak arms to pick up the heavy fire extinguisher. I turned the fire extinguisher so I could use the bottom as a battering ram, and ran full speed at Keith. I raised it above me and flung it into his head. He stumbled back and grunted as he fell down, the force of the extinguisher barely bothering him. My horror deepened as I locked eyes with him—beady, bloodshot yellow orbs devoid of any semblance of humanity. I grabbed Ashley's bloody arm and wrapped it around my shoulder and dragged her quickly down the hallway. She cried and limbered with me as I shoved her into my room. I kicked the door shut with my foot and locked it. I laid her on the ground as Keith banged the door heavily, groaning louder with every hit.

"Shit, Ashley!" I gasped as I tried to stop her neck from bleeding. Apply pressure. The first step popped into my head, but he had just nipped at her jugular, hence forth the spray on the wall. I darted my eyes around my bedroom floor until I found a dirty t-shirt lying around, I scrunched it up and applied it to her neck. I nibbled my lip, trying to wrack my brain with any ideas of what I could use to possibly fix her wound if I could; I had no needles, no string, nothing. She probably wasn't going to survive but I still wanted to try.

"I don't wanna die," she whimpered and a tear dripped down her blood stained cheek. I felt riddled with guilt, why hadn't I stopped them sooner? Why didn't I listen to the files?

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