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*Tami's POV*

"Mummy, please wake up"


"Mummy, someone is at the door" I slowly opened my eyes to see my four years old son stood beside my bed

"What is it baby?" I asked

"Someone is at the door" he said

"Mason, you didn't open the door did you?" I asked and sat up quickly, I grabbed my glasses and put them on

"No, you told me to never open the door" Mason-my four years old son- said, I looked at the time; 3:50am

"Ok. Baby, you go back to sleep and I'll go see who it is" I said and got out of bed, I grabbed my cardigan and put it on (MEDIA)

"Can I sleep in your bed?" Mason asked

"Sure" I said and picked him up, I placed him in my bed

"I'll be back, get some sleep" I said and kissed his forehead before leaving. I turned on the lights in the hallway and started to walk downstairs. Who will came at 3:50am? I got to the front door and unlocked it before opening it to find a man stood there in the rain

"Can I help you?" I asked, the man looked at me but I wasn't able to see him face as it was dark outside

"My car broke down and my phone has no battery, I was hoping to use your phone to call my friends or a repair company" He said, I looked at him unsure but then saw him shaking from the cold

"Ok" I said and opened the door wider for him, he walked in and took his shoes off; probably saw me barefoot. I closed the door and locked it

"You can use the landline" I said and walked into the living room with him following, I handed him the phone then went to the kitchen to give him some privacy. I turned the kettle on and grabbed two cups, I waited for the water to warm up before making two teas. I turned the heating on then grabbed both cups and walked back to the living to find the man still on the phone

"Simon, please man. My car broke and I need a ride" the man said, he looked at me. I smiled and held up the two cups, he smiled back

"Then send Vik or JJ, just get someone to pick me up" he said, there was silence for a bit

"You are no use" he said before hanging up

"You alright?" I asked and held out a cup for him

"My roommates are being annoying, he won't come because it's raining" he said and grabbed the cup

"Please sit" I said and pointed to the couch, he sits down and I sit opposite him

"I'm sorry for intruding like this" he said

"Don't worry about it, I hope I don't sound rude but I didn't catch your name" I said and drank some of the tea

"Oh right sorry, my name is Josh" he -Josh- said

"Nice to meet you Josh, I'm Tami" I said

"Nice? Really? Letting a random stranger into your house is nice" Josh said/asked

"Right, didn't think that through" I said and we both laughed

"It's alright, I know what you mean" Josh said, I smiled

"So your friends are coming to pick you up?" I asked

"To be honest, I don't know. My roommate said that no one is in the mood of getting out of the house in this rain and I understand their point but I need to get home somehow" Josh said

"I can give you a lift, if you like?" I asked

"I can't make you do that, I'm sure I will be able to think of something" Josh said

"It's nothing, I don't mind" I said

"Na it's fine, it's 4 in the morning. I can't let a beautiful girl like you drive me home then let her go back home on her own, you never know what could happen out there around this time" Josh said, I blushed a little when he called me beautiful. Just then there was a knock at the door, I set the cup on the table then got up. I wrapped the cardigan around me and unlocked the door before opening it to find another man stood there in the rain

"I'm looking for Josh, I'm his roommate" he said, just then Josh walked out of the living room

"Thank you Vik" Josh said and put his shoes back on

"Come on mate, I need to get home and edit" The man -Vik- said

"Right, it was nice meeting you Tami. I hope to see you around" Josh said and looked at me

"It was lovely meeting you as well Josh and I hope we do" I said, Josh smiled before leaving with Vik. I closed the door and locked it before walking back to the living room, I grabbed the cups and walked to the kitchen where I washed them. I set them aside then turned the heating and lights off downstairs before heading upstairs, I turned the hallway lights off and walked into my room. I closed the door and took my cardigan off before getting into bed, I took my glasses off and set them to the side before wrapping an arm around Mason

"Who was it mummy?" Mason asked

"You're not asleep?" I asked

"No I couldn't sleep, I was scared something might happen to you" Mason said

"I'm fine baby and it was a stranger, he asked to use the phone since his had no battery and his car broke down. He's gone now" I said and closed my eyes

"He didn't hurt you did he mummy?" Mason asked, I opened my eyes and looked at Mason

"No he didn't baby, go to sleep. Don't think about what happened" I said and tucked him in, I watched Mason close his eyes and waited for him to go sleep. I sighed once I knew he fell asleep, I played with his hair

"I'm sorry you had to watch that baby, if I knew that would happen then I would have left before it started" I said and let a tear roll down my face, I then closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep

My name is Tami, I'm 21 years old. I'm a single mother, I live with my son Mason and best friend Natalie in a four bedroom house. Mason doesn't have a dad, he died when Mason was one years old, he was in a car crash; died there and then. Mason doesn't know much about his dad other than the fact that his dad loved to play football and that me and him grow up together. I was in my last year of University, the course that I'm studying is media. Mason is in nursery and he will be turning five soon, I'm so glad his birthday is after I graduate so then I will have time to plan his birthday without feeling stressed. I have three tattoos, my belly pierced and black hair. I've got a flower/music pattern on the left side of my stomach, I've got a tattoo on my back/neck saying 'Never Look Back' and I've got a tattoo on my wrist saying 'Never give up' (MEDIA). The 'Never Look Back' and 'Never give up' tattoos both have meanings behind them which you'll find out in the story. I have a past and this past happened after Mason's dad died, I don't like talking about it because it's horrible and Mason watched. I haven't dated anyone in almost two years now because of what happened. That's enough about me...




I came up with this idea when me and Jenny (iNightOwlHD) were having our random conversation on kik, don't ask what the conversation was about. No, get your head out of the ditch if you're thinking dirty because that is not what happened

Not adding characters, just adding Minter_is_mine , sidexmen and iNightOwlHD that's it. Sorry but I can't add too many characters because I tend to forget who is in the story until I look at the cast list. So I'm keeping the characters to a minimum, sorry once again

Hope you enjoy the story and have a lovely day, cya

Tamiii x

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