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*Tami's POV*

Me and Josh walked into the house with three bags of Nando's since we brought everyone including ourselves Nando's, Tobi had texted Josh that they were on their way back here so we thought of buying everyone Nando's (Basically I'm craving for Nando's rn but no one will come with me or buy me Nando's) we walked into the kitchen and set the bags down

"I'm going to get changed" I said, Josh smiled and nodded his head. I went upstairs and tried not to cringe since what happened was still in the back of my mind, I got changed into jogging bottoms and a Sidemen t-shirt before putting my hair into a ponytail and wiping my makeup off. Me and Mason didn't bring most of our clothes since half of them were ripped up so the guys been letting us wear some of the products. I went back downstairs and walked into the kitchen to help Josh 

"You feeling better?" Josh asked 

"Yea" I said after that it was complete silence until the front door opened and everyone piled into the kitchen 

"Nando's? Oh thank God" Simon said before grabbing a plate of food

"Thank you so much, we all are hungry since we didn't get anything to eat" Kelsey said and grabbed a plate, everyone grabbed a plate before sitting down. I grabbed a plate as well and we all started to eat 

"Did you guys have fun at Thorpe Park?" I asked 

"The best fun ever, we went on all the rides" Mason said

"You didn't get sick did you?" I asked 

"Nope also Simon, Ethan, Harry and Vik got presents for auntie Jenny, auntie Natalie, Lia and Kelsey" Mason said and ate a chip 

"You mean they won prizes?" Josh asked, Mason nodded their heads 

"Seriously? Never thought I would hear that" Josh said, I giggled

"Hey! We ain't that bad" Harry said 

"Whatever you say" Josh said

"Alright, let's leave them alone" I said and throw a napkin at Josh 

"Anyways what did the doctor say?" Jenny asked 

"Doctors? Mummy you went doctors?" Mason asked with panic in his voice

"Thanks a lot Jenny" I said

"Sorry I forgot" Jenny said shyly 

"Mummy, doctors?" Mason asked

"It was for a check up" I said 

"What did they say?" Mason asked

"Yea, are you pregnant or not?" Lia asked, I look at everyone then at Josh who nods his head. I look back at everyone 

"I'm not pregnant" I said with a smile on my face, everyone including Mason sighed of relief 

"That's a relief" JJ said 

"What, me not being pregnant?" I asked 

"You being pregnant would be a good thing but with your ex's baby would be a bad thing because then it means that he will try to get to you" Tobi said

"I guess, I'm just glad I'm not. Can't go through another nine months" I said 

"Will I get a baby brother or sister?" Mason asked 

"You will one day but just not now" I said and smiled a little at him 

"When your mummy finds the right person then she might get pregnant" Natalie said 

"I can't wait for a baby brother or sister" Mason said 

"Sorry baby but it might be a long wait" I said 

"Why? Can't you be with Josh?" Mason asked, I stopped eating and looked at Mason. He started to happily eat again but I just looked at him, I could feel someone looking at me and I knew who it was. I just didn't want to look at him, afraid of his reaction. I can't believe my son actually wants me to be with someone else especially after my ex, he wanted me to date again...


I don't know, I've just got food going on around my head so I'm not paying attention to what I'm writing 

Hope you have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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