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I'm literally in love with the song 'Get It On' (Remix) by AP The Great ft. Jasmine V & K Camp!!! My new favourite song... Anyways continue reading the story...

*Josh's POV*

I watched as Tami rushed off

"TAMI?" Jenny and Natalie shouted in confusion, I watched as Natalie pulled out her phone and type away; probably texting Tami. I looked at the guys confused

"What was that about?" Tobi asked

"I have no idea" I said

"Let's finish up here then we'll head back to the hotel and you girls can explain" Simon said, Jenny and Natalie looked at each other unsure before nodding their heads. We got back to our booth and carried on talking and signing with the fans


We all were sat at Tobi and Vik's hotel room talking

"So what happened today?" Harry asked, we all fell silent and looked at the girls who shared an uneasy look

"Well?" I asked and raised my eyebrow

"Tami has a past, something no one talks about" Jenny started off

"She got pregnant when she was 17 but gave birth when she was 18, she basically got pregnant two weeks before her birthday. Her parents kicked her out at 18 after they found out, they found out when she ended up in hospital. The guy who got her pregnant was our other best friend, we grew up with him" Natalie said

"His name was Luke, (No not Luke Hemmings from 5SOS, not a big fan of them plus I've only heard 'She Looks So Perfect' and 'Don't Stop' so please stop with the comments about Luke Hemmings.. Sorry if it sounds rude but I put it in the nicest way I could) we all went clubbing one night and things went out of hand bad. Tami and Luke ended up drunk but Tami's drink was drugged by this guy, Luke in his drunken state got Tami out of it but they left and somehow ended up at Luke's flat instead of Tami's parents house. They woke up the next day in bed together and confused because neither of them remembered what happened but then they realised that they were naked, they kept their distance after that day. She found out she was pregnant and ended up telling us because she was panicking a lot and didn't want to tell her parents or Luke yet, we helped her a lot but one day Luke found out. He heard us talking to Tami about telling him so he kinda saved Tami the energy of talking, he was shocked since he did get one of his best friends pregnant. They decided to keep it hidden but also tried to be a couple since they did want the baby having to parents" Jenny said

"Her parents found out a day after her birthday, she was vomiting a lot because she partied a lot the day before on her birthday. She ended up in hospital because her health was really bad but also because the child's life was in danger, the doctors told her parents about her being pregnant. They won't happpy and made a huge scene in the hospital, they told her that once she gets out she has to pack and leave. Luke ended up grabbing her stuff and taking it to his place instead so when Tami got out of hospital she would have to worry about packing and would just relax" Natalie said

"They loved each other and we were happy for them, he was there for Tami when she was giving birth. He was there when she needed someone the most" Jenny said, I looked at both girls to see tears in their eyes

"What happened to him?" I asked

"He.... he died in a car accident" Natalie said, we all fell silent. Simon pulled Jenny onto his lap and hugged her while Ethan pulled Natalie to his sides and hugged her, we watched as both girls silently cried. We didn't understand their pain because we've never been through something like they have but you could tell the fact it had on them, we could feel our hearts break as we watched our love ones cry over someone who is no more. The effected he had on their lives shows that he meant a lot to them which we would never understand

"I'm sorry" I said breaking the silence

"He was always there for us but that night no one was there for him" Jenny said as Simon wiped her tears away

"Tami... she... we had to tell her and it was the worse we ever saw.. The police didn't want to call her because they knew she would completely break down, they saw a picture of her and Mason. They contacted me and I called Jenny" Natalie said

"Wh-what do you mean by 'it was the worse we ever saw'?" Tobi asked

"She shut everyone out and stopped taking care of herself, she moved out of that house because it reminded her of him too much. They moved into the house they are in now, Natalie moved in with her just to make sure she was looking after herself but also Mason" Jenny said

"Mason doesn't know about Luke that much than the stories we have told him, he didn't get to see Luke because he was one years old and doesn't remember much" Natalie said

"Has she moved on?" Harry asked, Jenny and Natalie look at each other before looking at us

"She dated once after Luke's death but it didn't go well... It's not our story to tell, it's her story but it's the reason why she won't date anymore" Jenny said, just then Natalie's phone went off and she pulled it out. She looked at the screen and her eyes grow before passing the phone to Jenny who looked confused but then looked at the screen and her eyes grow as well

"What is it?" JJ asked, Jenny looked at us before passing the phone to me. I looked at the phone to see that it was a text from Tami

He was there at Insomnia, he saw us...

I looked at it confused, what does she mean and what happened that was so bad?...


So I'm in tears from writing, that was something...

Excuse me while I go cry

Hope you have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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