How begins everything

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First i'd like to say this fan fiction is not mine. it's from LoveEpicLove.
i read this so long ago and I loved it si i decided to post here.

A/N: Okay, so I woke up with this thought in my mind this morning; what would happen if Elena had to marry Damon for some reason? I think I'm dreaming about those two every night at the moment. Anyway, I'm a hopeless romantic and I have hundreds of Mills & Boon on my bookshelf, and I thought I might try and write the Mills & Boon version of Delena. I'm talking about the 1990s Sexy style of Mills & Boon. For this story, let's say Elena is twenty-three years of age, Stefan is twenty-five, and Damon is thirty.

Locked In A Loveless Marriage

Chapter 1

"Miss Gilbert,"

Elena looked up from her chair to look at the pretty blond receptionist.

"Mr Salvatore will see you now."

Elena wiped her damp palms on her skirt and took a deep breath in, before following the secretary to Damon Salvatore's office.

As the secretary opened the double doors, Elena knew it was too late to turn around now. Not that she could turn around. She didn't want to ask Damon for help, but there was nothing else she could do; no-one else she could turn to. Stefan would be mad at her if he knew she had gone to his brother, but Stefan couldn't help her with this. Damon owned the company, and it would have to be Damon that helped her.

"Mr Salvatore," the secretary announced, "Miss Gilbert is here to see you,"

His eyes flicked upwards and rested on Elena's face for a brief moment before he turned his attention back to the papers in front of him. If he was surprised that she was here to see him, he certainly didn't show it.

"Thank you Nicole, that will be all."

Nicole left, closing the doors behind her. Elena stood there in the large room, unsure whether she should take a seat across from him, or wait to be invited to sit down. She waited for a moment, but when he said nothing, she decided to take a seat.

Did he have any idea why she was here? She was trying to be patient now, but she wanted to get this conversation over with. There was something disturbing about Stefan's older brother; something she couldn't quite put her finger on. For some reason he made her feel nervous, unsure of herself.

On more than one occasion she'd had the distinct impression that he did not like her very much. She couldn't recount any incidence where she might have given him a reason to dislike her, but maybe it was just because she was Stefan's girlfriend. She knew there was a history between the two brothers; she just didn't know what that history was.

Sitting this close to him, it was impossible not to notice how handsome he really was. Stefan was handsome, in a conventional sort of way. Damon was more the dark and dangerous type. When Damon Salvatore walked into the room, people stopped and took notice. He had an air of authority that couldn't be denied, and the way he filled out his Armani suit normally had the ladies swooning.

The papers referred to him as, Damon Salvatore - The Billionaire Playboy. He worked hard, but played harder. She'd seen photos of him out on the town with one woman after another. Lately though it had just been one woman - Caroline Forbes; a former beauty pageant winner.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, but was probably only a matter of minutes, he looked at her.

"Elena, to what do I owe this pleasure? Is Stefan alright?"

"Yes, Stefan is fine. It's...I have a personal favor to ask of you."

Damn it, her hands were growing damp again. He had to help her, surely he would help her.

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