Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Damon sat on the sofa with a glass of whiskey in one hand, and watched the fire he'd just made in the fireplace. It was relaxing to sit and listen to the crackle of the logs burning; to watch the different colored flames dancing along the firewood. Before Elena had become his wife he had spent many evenings like this. Since he'd married her, however, he'd been more than content to spend every night in bed with her.

Whatever else he said about his marriage, he couldn't complain about his sex life. She was always more than willing; even desperate for him at times. She responded with passion and fervor to his every advance. When they'd agreed to this arrangement, he had told her he would take a mistress if he wanted one, but there would be no mistress for him. Elena did more than hold his attention; he simply didn't have any desire for another woman. His thoughts were for his wife and his wife only. No-one else would ever do, and no-one made him feel what she did in bed.

It was more than satisfaction and sexual fulfillment, he felt connected to her. She'd come into his life and set his world alight. The feelings she brought out in him were so strong that he'd felt scared by them more than once. If possible, his feelings for his wife were even stronger than the feelings he'd had for Katherine. While he had loved Katherine, he'd never longed for her happiness above his own, but with Elena he found himself constantly wanting to please her, to make her happy.

Her tears tonight had been like a stake through his heart. He'd let down his walls, and let her in, and she was still holding back. Would his wife ever be truly happy with him? The thought that she may not be happy with him was not only unacceptable to his male ego, but unacceptable because he didn't give up, not on the things that mattered. She mattered.

He ignored his father's voice in his head telling him he was a weak son of a bitch for caring about his wife. Damon knew his feelings made him vulnerable, but he didn't want to fight his feelings for her. She just made him feel so much, and after walking around like the living dead on the inside, it was almost a relief to experience such intense feelings, even if they did frighten the hell out of him at times.

He heard a small noise, and looked over to see his wife standing across the room, watching him. She was wearing the camisole and panties set he'd bought her a little while ago. Standing there, in the firelight, he thought she may just be the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life. The realization came out of nowhere; anything - he would do anything for this woman. Did she know? Did she know that she made his heart beat a little bit faster every time he saw her? Did she know that he needed her so much that the thought of being without her actually caused him physical pain?

Her eyes were full of warmth as they lingered on his face, and Damon couldn't help but wonder what he'd done to deserve the intimate little smile she was giving him right now.

She walked across the carpet to him. When she reached him she didn't sit down, she just stood next to him and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed the top of his head and then ran her hands through his hair softly. The gesture surprised him. While she usually participated wholeheartedly in their bedroom activities, she didn't often initiate displays of affection outside of the bedroom.

He looked up at her, to see her smiling gently at him. It was a smile he hadn't seen before. She removed the almost empty glass from his hand before sitting it on the coffee table in front of him, and then she stroked the side of his face with her hand before leaning in to kiss him. He didn't understand what was happening right now. She had been upset, he was sure of it, but as her lips moved softy against his he found he didn't care why she was suddenly being affectionate with him, just that she was here and he needed her again. He would always need her.

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