Chapter 4

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My answer to them was always "I'm fine", those sick bastards.

People don't care. They know you're hurting inside but they also know that you won't confess your true feelings to them, so they don't do anything to help.

I need help and no one gave me their shoulder to lean on.
I needed care and attention but no one payed attention to me.

They just thought that I was crazy. I was in a way. My advice to you, my dear reader, is to do your best to save someone. Show that person the light and guard them through the darkness. Show them that this place is worth living in.

I know you will. If I had someone like you in my life at the time I may have not been writing this.

I may have changed.
I may be sitting someplace nice, enjoying a meal or having a nice drink.
Either way, I would still be in a nice place.
I would still be happy either way.
But I'd rather have a choice. I had no place out.
Killing myself was the only way out.

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