9. Peaks of Humiliation

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'Dedicating this Chapter to HoldOnHopesAlways5, my amazingly helpful wattpad friend whose stories are great! Do check them out! :)

Imp - I'm again saying that fun is not made of anyone in this story, especially in this chapter. Fun is made just of my characters, mostly Keith and the situations he & Kim land themselves into. So, please don't feel offended & just enjoy! :)




"Take off your clothes."

"Show us your abs."

"Strip for us baby."

"He is a young one."

These were a few of the many things that were being shouted at me by the men in front of me. Each of them was around thirty years of age or older. Each of them was heavily built and looked like a gang member. Each of them was either a drug addict or a dealer. Each of them was looking at me like I was a piece of meat, a young piece of meat, to be more accurate.

"I call dibs," a loud, gruff voice shouted, making everyone laugh, except me, of course. Now, I understood how girls felt when we called dibs on them.

My head snapped towards the owner of the voice and I cringed at the sight of the huge, bald man, who was eyeing me from head to toe hungrily. Desperately, I removed my eyes from him and tried to find a way to get out of here. That was when, my eyes landed on a grey bag with thin black stripes and big silver buckle kept on a table. Ignoring all the noises and shouts that were asking me to strip, I looked at the person sitting on the table and my eyes landed on a bald man with French beard and patched leather jacket. I gulped my own spit when I realized that he was the same person who had called dibs on me.

Mentally, I analyzed all the available options I had.

First, I could run back from the way I came from and face Kim's wrath, which was undoubtedly better than facing so many men who wanted to rip my clothes off. There was a chance that if I chose this option, Kim would try to become 'Superwoman Kim' and take her bag on her own. Putting her and my life in danger was not what I wanted to do.

Second, I could quietly go to the man and ask him to give me the bag. Well, not exactly ask, a better option was to beg him to give me the bag.

Third, I could do a little strip show and make him give me Kim's bag. Ha! I was never going to do this, so this option was completely out of the question.

My sane mind decided to go with the second option. Just as I gathered immense courage and stepped towards the crowd, a song started playing, making me freeze on the spot.

"Ohhhhhhh, put your lovin' hands out baby. I'm beggin'."

My eyes widened in embarrassment as Begging you by Four Seasons started playing. For a moment I wondered if the DJ could hear my thoughts as I was actually going to 'beg' to get out of this place. I turned my head to look at Kim and found her peeking through the curtain and laughing like a mad woman. The shouts of the men saved her from my deadly glare as I again looked at them.

The other four men on the stage had started doing their job and were dancing, swaying their bodies with the music, while I was the only one who was in desperate need to go out of this place. For once, I was thankful for the other four guys as nobody was watching me, but that relief was short-lived as the audience started looking at me with disappointment and scowls on their faces as the song was going on and I, the stripper, was not performing my job. They started screaming incoherent words at me and looked raged. It was obvious that if I wanted to go alive from this place and see the Christmas morning sun, then I had to do what they expected me to do.

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