23. Happy New Year

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Dedicating this chapter to chandnipipaliya, though I know that you don't comment much but you've been very regular in voting & reading & sometimes commenting. I really appreciate that. :)




Something really terrible must have happened to the person who said the famous quote 'All good things come to an end.' According to me, that person must have been on a wonderful date with a girl he liked a lot and his sister must have spoiled it all by shouting at them through the men's worst invention called phone, to come back as they were getting late for a party.

Nothing good comes out of a phone or sisters. True story.

That's the only reason why I was currently sitting in my living room cursing going to Precious' New Year's bash and my sister's pathetic timing to phone me.

"I guess the date didn't go as well as you planned it to go?" Brian said, more like questioning. He was seated across me, looking at me for the last half hour like a scientist observing his latest experiment and the reactions taking place as he mixed up some damn chloride with other damn chloride.

Snorting, I unfolded my legs and bent a little forward. "It would have been perfect if your dear fianceé wouldn't have interrupted our little moment," I told him rolling my eyes.

He laughed at what I said. "Firstly, my dear fiancée is your darling sister." I rolled my eyes at that and he continued, "Secondly, what 'little moment'? Were you both about to kiss?" He had a huge smirk on his face and without waiting for me to say anything, he continued, "Tongue or not?"

Groaning, I got up and again, rolled my eyes at him. "What makes you think that I would let you know the details of my date with Kim?" I raised my eyebrow at him and he snorted. Before he could say anything else, I shouted for Hailey, "How much longer are you guys going to take?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just coming," was Hailey's reply.

I turned to look at Brian, so my back was towards the stairs. I pointed my thumb towards the upstairs room from where Hailey's voice was coming and I asked Brian, "Seriously, why are you even marrying her?" He laughed and I chuckled at the same question that I had asked him hundreds of times.

At the sound of click-clack of heels, Brian stopped laughing and tilted his head to look towards the stairs. I watched as his expressions changed to that of complete happiness and his eyes sparkled with happiness. He got up from the couch and started moving towards the stairs where I was dead sure, Hailey was standing all dolled up to go to the party.

"Whipped," I coughed loud enough for all of us to hear and Hailey and Brian laughed it off. Smirking, I turned towards the stairs and spotted her.


Between us, the soon to be married couple was locked up in a kiss and Kim's and mine eyes were locked. Not at all subtly, I let my eyes roam from her heels to her perfect curves and to her gorgeous face that was framed by her curls. She was damn hot and very sexy in that black and white dress.

I watched as her cheeks turned to the darkest shade of red when she noticed that I was so checking her out. I was at such a loss of words or actions that I couldn't even smirk at her reaction, like I would have normally done. All I could do was stare at her with admiration and desire in my eyes as I thought about running my hands all over her curves and her brown hair, as I thought about those legs wrapped around my torso and about those red lips as they would touch mine.

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