Chapter 3

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"No dude. Im not tying her up."

"Do it Jay!"

"Terry! This is wrong. Okay? You dragged me into this. I shouldn't have listened to you. You already made me tie up the four year old hostage and it was terrible. She was screaming Terry! I can't live with this! Im out dude. I can't do it."

"Come on Jay!"

"Terry?! You killed someone! That wasn't our intentions! We just wanted to steal some crap amd you had to take an extra step and kill the guy who-"

He was cut off by Terry pointing a gun to him. "Shut the hell up and tie her up."

Jay snatched the rope out of his hands. He tied me to the chair as I looked at him. I could tell he was scared too. He pulled up another chair and sat across from me.

" sorry....that he brung you here."

" scared."

Jay nodded, "I know.....Uh, im Jay, What's your name?"


"Addy, im so sorry.....I didn't mean for this to happen...."

"Its not your seem like your not into all this stuff that the other guys are doing...."

Jay looked down. James came in and looked at me. "Jay you suck man. You don't tie her feet or waist? Just go dude."

James was muttering to himself as he tied me more. I felt tears coming down my face.

He was about to leave until he looked at me.

"Hey....don't cry, okay? I got a daughter at home, I hate it when she crys. Just Listen to what we say and you'll be okay."

I didn't believe a word of that.

"Terry, what do we do when the other people come home?"

"I don't know....kill them...?"

"No! Please Terry! No."

"Shut the hell up Jay. Give me a reason of why I shouldn't pump you full of bullets."

Jay walked back in the room that was in. The room was really big, light gold walls, a bunch of furniture, shelfs, a television, it was nice.

"Jay go check on the girl upstairs and bring her down here"

Im guessing by that he meant the four year old girl....



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