Chapter 19 Flashback from Hell

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait.. but here it is the next chapter.


Fear start to flow into my veins, as one of my old, scariest memories start to come back to me. Tears fell down like rain drops onto my shirt and felt Ryan shaking me gently but hard trying to stop it.

But it was too late to stop the flashback from coming, I could still hear him calling my name but all I saw was the memory, Bloody BJ pushed my brothers and I into a room with our parents tied up behind a desk in front of us.

"Mom... Dad..." Andy and I yell, before all three of us were pushed to the ground by DJ and JJ.

"Andy... Elle... Jake... behave and do what they tell you, so this wouldn't happen to you, as well", my father spoke; strongly even though he and my mother were going to die in front of my brothers and I.

"Be strong my sweet dears, fight as hard as you can and live for us", my mother spoke, as tears rolled down her heart breaking face.

"Mom?" I asked; scared to my bones.

"Elle, you're strong. Don't fear for the future", she smiled; weakly.

"Why are you doing this to our parents?" Jake asked BJ, before he was pushed back down by DJ; again.

"Because they tried to break a rule", he spoke in a hard and scary voice. "Now, they die".

"Noo", all three of us yelled, then JJ and DJ smacked our heads hard, were I could feel my brain move side to side for a bit.

"What rule?" Jake spoke; staring at Andy and I, then at our parents once more.

"The rule, were you can't leave this place unless you become a protector or be carried out in a body bag... meaning dead", he answered my brother's question. He stood behind our parents in seconds with red eyes and long fangs hanging down, sharp and ready to kill.

"Please let them live", Jake spoke; shaking in angrier beside me. "Please", speaking in a calm voice.

"Sorry, but I can't let them live", Bloody BJ spoke.

"Why not?" I cried, as hot tears rolled down my red face full of anger.

"The boss wants them dead and have you, Elle to take your mother's place in the fight battles", he then grabbed my mother's long dirty blonde hair after he spoke.

"No, don't. Elle is just nine years old. She's too young", mother yelled into his face.

"Not to the Boss, she's not. It's her turn to fight for in your place once you die". Then he lend towards her neck, my brothers and I screamed in seconds after he sunk his fangs into her.

"Mom", we all cried, then got smacked again and fell onto our fronts.

"Good bye my dear children, I will always love you with all my heart...." She spoke, while her brown eyes start to close.

"No... Mommy", Andy screamed, as I held onto him, as Jake did the same to me.

"Stop, please", I yelled at BJ, when her face got pale bit by bit.

"He wouldn't, until she's dead", DJ snapped at us for screaming our heads off.

"Don't. Let her go", Jake stood up and was about to run towards BJ to stop the madness but stop dead in his tracks when our father spoke up.

"Take that step, and they'll kill you in seconds Jake. Stay there because there's nothing you can do to stop it".

"Father?" Jake and I asked; confused.

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