Newest Beginning

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Author's note: Heya, I'm sorry for not updating a new chapter on My Protector, I've been busy with writing and typing New Blood. I do plan on coming back to this story someday, but I gotta decide on what novel to write next once I get New Blood published this year 2019. 

Once I do come back to this story, I am going to delete all of the chapters and update new, edited chapters and then continue on writing and finish it. I might do a vote on what story to write and finish next once New Blood is done and getting published. 

But for now, I hope you can enjoy this new and edited part. 




I sat there on my mother's lap, my younger brother Andy on father's. We face the fight cage, where Jake stood staring at the other young boy.

This was my oldest brother's first cage fight, after all his training for the past seven months. A fight to the death.

But not his death. The other boy's.

They both turn into their wolves, circled once and then attacked. Jake bit the boy's ear, he howled in pain.

"Look away, Elle, Andy", mother spoke; hugging me to her chest.

I look over to my little brother, his face buried into father's chest. His left eye peeks at me; fear. That's all I saw, then I heard another howl of pain, that's when I looked back and saw Jake biting at the boy's neck.

"Look away, Elle", mother's voice worried about my own sanity.

"No..." I spoke; as I kept watching until the end.

Jake won. He lived for another day. 

Chapter 1 In the Hellhole

"God, damn it", I whisper; opening my eyes away from the dream. 'Six in the morning', I thought. "And time to get up".

Then I could hear the vampires walking and running up, and down the hallways. I hated my life, it was tough and I was always exhausted.

"Get the hell up, bitches", a vampire called Bloody BJ yells within the hallway.

We female wolves were called bitches and we hated it. Just as much as we hated them; the vampires in this place.

"Get up, Number 13 and 15", another vampire yells. Sitting up, I slowly walk to my door before hearing the vampire stop at the door. "Bitch, 14", he spoke; angry.

"I'm up", I told him; strongly.

"Good", he speaks, unlocking the lock.

I grab my collar that laid on the side table; beside the doorway. Then put it on, before he opens the door and grab my leash on the hock; outside of the room on the door.

"Be a good doggie, 14", he speaks, putting it on me.

"I'll try", telling him.

My real name is Elle, but as long as I am in this place, or alive. I went by a number, just like all the other werewolves in here.

"You better", he spoke; angry.

He pulls me out of my small, dirty room by my leash and put it on the machine that walks us; wolves to the cafeteria and other places. The vampires called it 'The Walker'.

"Get up, Number 3", one of the vampires told the new girl.

I look up and saw them down the hallway. In front of the line of us; female werewolves. "I'm too tired", she whines. Which she shouldn't have done.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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