Johnny's Little Friend

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Dally said that we should go back inside, so I wiped the tears from my eyes and followed him in. When we got inside Alexandria and Gabriella were slowly putting bite by bite of cake (and Gabriella was eating a tiny bowl of mashed potatoes) into their mouths while the rest of the gang stuffed their faces like a turkey on Thanksgiving day. Oh no I promised Steve that I'd eat a small piece of cake. I gotta sneak by him.

But before I could take a step further, Steve blocked my way holding a piece of cake.

"Now now, a promise was made. Now stick to it."

Well let's just say I scarfed it down in two bites and as non-suspiciously as possible, excused myself to the bathroom. Now let's say hypothetically speaking, the cake never reached my stomach. It was thrown up by let's say this girl Eelyr. (I hope you realize Eelyr is Rylee spelt backwards) Hypothetically speaking.

Okay not eating for a while and then shoveling down a rich dark chocolate cake, it really makes you feel sick. Like Oh my God Ima gonna die kind of sick. Well anyways, I must not have done a good job of seeming not suspicious because the gang was banging on the door yelling for me to open up.

I curled myself up in a ball and cried for them to stop. It was dead silent, until I started to cry.

"Just go away! Please, give me a minute."

I heard mumbles and feet shuffling. I thought that everyone was gone, so I opened the door. And of course Darry and Dal are standing there. I kinda expected them to yell at me, but instead they brought me into Darrel's room and locked the door. Darry plopped me on the bed and ran out to the kitchen. When he came back he was holding a big plastic bowl and a container of mashed potatoes.

"Okay Rylee, it is clear that you have not eaten well in a while, so let's try something. Here is a bowl incase you get sick and here is a little bit of mashed potatoes. Eat them."

I nodded and took both. I slowly ate little bite by little bite of the potatoes, tears streaming down my face. I have never been more ashamed in my whole life. In the end I did not throw up. My stomach was able to keep it down for about 15 minutes. A new record!

Darry nodded to me in approval and walked out to the living room. Dally sighed and sat down next to me.

"You should talk to Ponyboy and Johnny about your schedule. You have only been there for a half a day."

"You mean I have to go back?" I groaned.

Dally chuckled and led me over to Pony and Johnny in Pony and mines room. We looked over my schedule and laughed and talked. So far this is my schedule.

Study hall
I have absolutely
No clue.
Home edu.

So besides history and gym, my schedule sucks.

We were all sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed. We all got quiet though once we heard yelling in the living room.

"I'm sick of you stickin up for everyone when you know they did somtin wrong! You defend Pony all the time and now Ry too. If I want my kid brother to tell me how to deal with my other kid brother and sister, I'll ask ya!"

Alexandria and Gabriella then walked in. Gabriella ran over and sat half on my lap and half on Dally's lap. Dally stiffened as we chuckled. Alexandria sat beside me.

"It's gettin rough out there. Maybe you should go talk to them."

"Okay, but one sec."

I was watching Gabriella. She had gotten up and walked right over to Johnny. Johnny looked nervous, Gabriella looked... mature. There was a glint of curiosity and understanding in her eyes that is only found in adults eyes. Her eyes were almost as dark as Johnny 's. She slowly but confidently reached out and touched his scar.

"You look just like Wylee. Why?"

"Uh... um well uh. We both got hurt by the same person."

Johnny looked real nervous. He has never said a word about Bob, not even to me. Gabriella traced the pattern the rings left on his cheek.

"How? Was it with wings? Dis guy used to come down to da basement and hit me and Al. He wore a bunch of wings and I got da same mark."

I snapped my head up.


She pointed to her stomach and I motion for her to come. I lifted her shirt a little to reveal the scar. The thing is, she's so small that it goes across her whole stomach.

She pulled her shirt back down and walked back over to Johnny.

"Can I be your fwiend?"

Johnny looked confused and still a tensi bit nervous.

"Uh... Okay?"

Would you look at that. Someone actually got through Johnny 's shell. He has a new little friend.

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