Part 13

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Alabaster Scythes

"Are you going to be alright?" Nathan asked, concern in his face.

I looked up at him. "I don't know." I swallowed the thick saliva collecting on my tongue.

"Do you want one of us to stay with you?" Kota asked.

I shrugged. I know I won't be sleeping anytime soon.

"How about we have Victor stay with you tonight. Is that suitable Ms. Sorenson."

He looked at me, and his eyes were bright, burning like a fire.

I nodded. I didn't want to use my voice. I didn't trust my voice.

"Let's all go to bed and get some rest. You too Sang," Sean said.

"Will do," i whispered.

Everyone filed out of my room except for Victor and myself.

"I'm going to stay up for a while," I said. "I hope you don't mind."

He smiled. "Of course not, I completely understand."

"You can lay down if you want." I shifted on my feet.

I climbed onto the edge of my bed, and grabbed my sketchbook again. I patted the spot next to me, fully expecting him to sit by me.

He looked unsure before complying. That's when I noticed that he was already in pajamas. Weren't the rest of the boys in pjs too? "How long was my nap?"

"Princess, it was more like you went to bed early. We were in here waiting for you to wake up since 3:30. It's now 10:00."

"Why were you all in my room."

"North was passing by and heard you whimpering. When he walked in, you were convulsing on the bed. He sent us all a text. When we all got in, you were still shaking, gasping, and whimpering. The last half hour of you were screaming and we thought you were having a seizure. Finally, you shot up."

Was that really so long? I shook my head. "Thanks for telling me."

I opened the book and started to draw. I wasn't drawing anything in particular, just letting my fingers create the image. Victor was leaning into my shoulder, watching quietly. His touch was comforting, and it was as if earlier hadn't happened at all.

In the top corner I etched symbols. Had I ever seen those before? I'm not sure. They just matched, felt like they belonged. The image was like yin and yang. It was a demon and angel, spinning, their weapons clashing. Light and dark contrast.

I finished the drawing, and it startled me slightly. I tilted the sketchbook towards Victor so he could see the full image. He stiffened.

"Where have you seen those symbols before?" he asked. His voice had a sense of panic, very slight, but I could still hear it.

I shrugged. "I didn't even know I was drawing them. I don't remember ever seeing them, I was letting my fingers do the work, not my mind. Same with the demon and angel."

He looked nervous. I was confused, "What's so bad about it?"

"It's not bad, it's just, only few can actually draw the symbol."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What it mean," Victor started, "is that the select few that can draw it successfully won't... it's hard to explain. I'm sorry, i'm not good at explaining these kind of things."

"What does it stand for?" I asked.

"The Alabaster Scythes." he said slowly. "They have demon energy. They are stronger and deadlier than normal scythes."

That's what I saw in my dream/vision. Was it the same? Yes.

A yawn ripped out of my throat. "I guess we should sleep,"

He nodded.

"I'm going to go change into some pjs, I'll be right back."

I walk over to the set of drawers that Gabe set up and pull out a matching set. Changing in the bathroom real quick,I'm back out in a few minutes.

Victor was sitting on the chair next to the bed. I sighed.

Crawling back into the spot I was in, I patted next to me. Victor looked confused.

"You're going to get a kink in your neck. The bed's more comfortable, and there will be enough room for the both of us. Trust me."

"Are you sure, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Absolutely, come on." I yawned again, and rolled onto my side facing the window. Twilight peaked in, kissing my face and pecking my bare arms.

The bed shifted and Victor was to my back, his pressed firmly against mine. I smiled, "Good night Victor."

"Good night Princess."

Forest air surrounded me. I was climbing through the fallen trees and exploring the untouched woods. Branches of leaves danced in the whistling wind. A cracking of branches had me stopping. "Show yourself!" I called, my voice carrying over the treetops within the breeze. The shrubs rustled, and yellow sharp eyes peaked out from the darkness. A black paw emerged, followed by the strong build of a werewolf. He transformed, looming over me. The only feature of his face I could see were eyes piercing gold eyes. "You are not safe, wandering alone in these woods. Danger awaits." he said. Stepping closer, I am cast in his darkness. "The man of shadows is hunting you like a hungry wolf who'd gone weeks without meat." My hand soars to my throat, cupping around it, sliding along the runes carved there. Fear disappears, followed by the marks. "I'm not like others. The darkness does not scare me." The lip of his curls up. "I know." He changes back, and his ears drop, listening. Birds are flying, but the forest is silent. He looks at me again, and races past, deeper into the woods. I am yet again alone. Shadows are casting around me, and the only path is straight ahead. I run, but the light is engulfed by the dark. I don't stand a chance. My feet pound hard against the floors of nature. Growls of demons erupt behind me. I'm running for my life. I'm not fast enough. A delightful pain radiates from my back, pushing, spreading behind me. I slow down, just a hair's tempo, my breathing ragged. I'm tripping, stumbling. The trees open up into a clearing, and the beasts are close. I jump high. Up and up i go, and I continue going up. Above the trees, I look down below where the demons are gathered, jumping, hissing, and slithering. I am flying, flying with the feathery white wings of an angel...

I wake up, and the sky is just peppering the signs of light. I'm warm, and feeling around, my legs are entwined with Victor's. My head is in the crook of his neck, i'm flush against him. His arm had wrapped around my waist. As I stir with consciousness, his arm tightens. I breath in deeply, and sweet berries and moss infiltrate my nose. I smile. I'm safe.


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