Imagine 12

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Imagine #12

Sick Without You Here

"Why School? Why do you have to ruin my life?" I thought to myself. Austin left for tour a week ago, and I absolutely cannot stand it here all alone. You're probably thinking, "don't you have other friends" or "don't you have things to do", but truth is, I don't. All I ever do is hang with Austin. We are inseparable, and I don't want it any other way. I wish I could be homeschooled, but Austin said that was a huge mistake that he made. He much rather would have gone to public school. I don't understand why, though. You can go to school in your pajamas. You can decide when you feel like starting. You can use your phone all day. It seems perfect. Right now, life is miserable, and it's all school's fault. If I didn't have school, I wouldn't be depressed and missing Austin. The bed is cold at night, I have no one to sleep with, and I have no company when I am home. My mom left me when I was a baby with my grandma, and my dad left before I was born. I literally have nobody. "What is my life" I think to myself again. "Oh yeah. That's right. I don't have a life"
A very familiar ring tone disturbs my thoughts.
I pick up the phone.

"Hey sweet girl. I have a surprise for you." Austin said on the other end of the line
"What is it.. Are you coming home early?" I said getting all excited
"You'll see. You'll find out later today. I can't wait to see your reaction. I love you baby girl. Talk to you later."

With that Austin hung up the phone. My mind quickly goes back to racing. "Ugh why won't this ever get better"

*3 hours later*

I was just on Twitter and Instagram, laying in my bed when I heard the doorbell ring. It made me really nervous because I wasn't expecting anybody. I slowly walked downstairs and started tip toeing towards the door. I put my hand on the knob and began to turn the knob very gently. I finally got the door open enough to realize it was Austin there to surprise me.

"SURPRISE!" Austin yelled as I opened the door
"So this is my surprise. OMG IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH." I said as I jumped on him.
"Well.. This isn't exactly your whole surprise." He said with a very suspicious smirk on his face.
"What is it."
"I HOMESCHOOLED YOU, so now you can always be with me."
"OH MY GOD! YOURE THE ABSOLUTE BEST!" I say giving him the biggest kiss ever. "Now I don't have to be sick without your love anymore. I love you so much!"

Sorry that it's short again, but I thought this one was written well. It is "quality over quantity" am I right? I'm jk, but please remember to like, comment, and vote. Thanks fam.

Random Imagines {Mainly Austin Mahone and Foolish 4}Where stories live. Discover now