Imagine 18

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Imagine #18

I Can't Believe You

I was upstairs watching netflix, and Austin was downstairs working on music. I hate to bother him, but he's been working all day, and all I want to do is cuddle. I walk downstairs to the music room! and walk in and sit in a chair. Usually, Austin would get to a stopping point, and he would ask me what's up or something, but he didn't this time. So, I took it upon myself to ask him what's up.

"Hey Austin"
He didn't answer, nor did he look at me. I waited about 3 minutes, then asked again.

"Hey Austin" I said it more sternly this time.

He looked at me with this harsh face. I don't know what's up with him.

"Austin, are you okay?"
"Will you just leave. You're so annoying. I can't handle you. Oh my God!"

After he said that, I ran out of his music room, and I ran upstairs to MY room. Not the one we share. I was planning on packing my bags and staying in a hotel for a few nights, but all I could bring myself to do was lay on my bed and cry. I fell asleep.

Austin POV

"Will you just leave. You're so annoying. I can't handle you. Oh my God."

I watched Y/N run out of the room. I felt so bad, and I know I upset her. I just put my head In my hands. I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to cry in front of her. She means the whole world to me, but I was just frustrated with my music. I honestly didn't mean what I said to her. I walked upstairs after about 10 minutes of thinking what to tell her. I walked into the room we share, but she wasn't there. I walked into the bathroom thinking maybe she's in the shower, but she wasn't. I finally found her In HER room. I walked into her room, and I saw a suitcase on the floor with a pair of shorts and a shirt. It looked like she had just started packing and fell asleep because she was asleep on her bed. When I saw the suitcase there, I couldn't help but cry. I picked her up carefully trying not to wake her up, and I carried her to our bedroom. A few minutes later, she woke up and saw my face. She turned over and I could hear her crying. I flipped her over, and put a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Baby, I am so sorry. I was frustrated with my music, and I know that is no excuse to say what I said, but I am so sorry."

I was trying my best not to cry in front of her.


I woke up, but not in my bed. I flipped over and saw Austin laying beside me. I turned back over and cried. He really upset me. When I saw his face, I could tell he had been crying, though. He had streaks on his face, and he had red puffy eyes.

"Baby, I am so sorry. I was frustrated with my music, and I know that is no excuse to say what I said, but I am so sorry."

I rolled back over, and rolled into his chest and let out all the tears I had. He wrapped his arms around me and put his face In my hair. I could hear him sniffle, and I looked up and saw him crying.

"Austin, it's really ok. I'm sorry for being so annoying."
"No it's not baby. I was an ass to you, and no girl like you deserves that."
"I love you, Austin."
"I love you, too beautiful, and I promise, next time, I will stop what I'm doing and spend time with my beautiful princess.

The grammar in this story makes me cringe... But ok. Don't forget to vote, and I will update soon. Love you guys lots! ❤️ ~Ray

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