✾ first ✾

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first attempt to write a good chapter. make sure to vote & comment.

✾ f i r s t ✾

"Are we there yet, Daddy?" Rose whined, her cheeks flustered and red.

"Almost, sweet-heart. Why, what's wrong?"

"I...I really need to pee! I think I'm going to explode if I don't go right now," she moaned, tucking her tiny hands between her thighs tightly.

"I'll pull over at this café. Wake up Daniel and he'll take you, honey."

The car swerved to the side, pulling up beside a creamy coloured building. Gravel flicked up at the back of the car as the car skidded to an abrupt halt. The teenage boy sitting next to the seven-year-old girl, Rose, in the backseat snorted noisily as his whole body flew forward and he hit his face on the back of his father's seat. He cussed loudly, and jerked back, his hands flying up to nurse his poor face.

"What the hell, old man?!" he cried accusingly.

The grey-black haired man in the drivers' seat laughing with amusement and shook his head. "You slept the whole five hours, and not once did you leave this car!"

The boy grimaced. "Your point being...?"

"Rose needs to use the toilet. Take her, will you? I'll get us some refreshments while we're here," his father said, a grin still plastered across his face.

"And where exactly is here?"

"Riverside, Danny! Gosh, you're so stupid," Rose said, rolling her eyes. She unbuckled herself from her seat and slipped out of the car, sighing with happiness.

"Ugh," Daniel scowled, lolling his head back. He closed his eyes again and wriggled around to try and get comfortable again, which was pretty hard.

"We're at a café, Dan. You should at least get some fresh air," Daniel's father said, opening his own door. "The sun's nice."

Daniel bit his bottom lip to hide the smirk on his face and pushed the button to wind down his window. The air slipped through his blonde hair and brushed against his forehead.

"There. Fresh air and sun. Technically, I'm outside so you can't say anything."

"Ooh look! A cute brunette girl just walked in..." the man needn't say anymore. His son's eyes snapped open and swung his door open, leaping out with one stride.

"I'm up!" he declared, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Rose! I think there's a bathroom inside, let's go. Hurry up, you don't want to pee yourself do you? C'mon! Chop, chop! There's bound to be some boys your age here!"

"Daniel," his father said in a warning tone.

"Oh right. You're seven. Hah...forget about that. Let's roll! You can probably find some Malibu surfers Barbie or somethin'."


Nora smiled and tucked a strand of her light auburn hair behind her ear. Fixing the sunglasses on her face, she tilted her head a little to side and nodded, as if she was listening. She really wasn't.

"There I was...." Brent said with enthusiasm laced into his voice. "...exhausted and starving. I didn't know how many more waves would come. I didn't know if anyone would find me. There were sharks everywhere."

"Ooh!" a giggly girl cooed, "You're so brave, Brent! What happened next?"

"I did what any man would do. I grabbed the shark like this..." he leaned on his side and held his arms up, indicating that he was holding the 'shark' by its face with his thumbs jabbed into its eyes, earning a giggle and clap from Gaga over there, "The shark thrashed and swam off. I had only two minutes to get away before he probably came back. He was pretty pissed off."

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