Chapter Twenty-Nine

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la tempesta della follia

A knock on my door diverts my attention from attempting to apply eyeliner properly

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A knock on my door diverts my attention from attempting to apply eyeliner properly. I gruffly order, "Come in."

The door opens, and I expect someone delivering the clothes Rafael ordered for me to step inside. Instead, Rosabelle peeks in, her eyes—so much like her brother's—finding mine in the mirror. "Am I interrupting?"

Surprised, I turn around, staring at her in silence for a few seconds before clearing my throat and shaking my head. "No, it's alright. Come in."

She quickly steps inside, smiling politely at me despite the confusion clearly written across my face. "Hi, Quintessa. How have you been?"

Never, in my weeks of despair, did I imagine one of the de Luca offspring would ask me about my wellbeing. That was supposed to be impossible, but I guess strange things happen sometimes.

Nonetheless, I return her kind smile. "I'm alright, Rosabelle." A lie—a big lie. "How about you? Happy birthday, by the way."

Red tints her cheeks, and the brightest smile takes over her face. "Thank you so much. I'm fine too—well, as fine as a pregnant woman can be," she says, shrugging her shoulders.

I calmly assess her, noticing the small bump becoming more visible day by day. Yet, she looks stunning in her emerald green dress, which highlights the fine curves of her body. She's glowing, and I doubt it's only from pregnancy. She's a happy woman in love.

I remember now that I met her at a ball for the first time in life, while I was still engaged to Demetrius. 

She steps a little closer. "You look gorgeous."

I can't help but chuckle. "I still haven't put on my dress yet, but still, thank you. You look stunning as well."

She smiles, looking down to admire her dress, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"I came here to apologize for the other day," she mutters, confusing me once again. "I was a little startled, so I couldn't say anything. I hope you don't mind. I don't know what occurred between you and my brother, but I hope we can get along."


This girl apologized for everything and anything.

"I don't mind, Rosabelle. And please, I'd like to get along with you."

I don't mention what her brother has done to me, and even if I did, I doubt she'd be able to do anything. No matter how much I dislike her brother, she doesn't seem like a bad person to me, so assuring her that I'd be her friend wouldn't hurt, I guess—even if it's a lie.

After all, I am getting a divorce from Rafael de Luca.

She beams, her gaze nearly sparkling. "Well then, I'll leave you to finish your makeup. No more disturbing. See you in a while." Then she turns and walks towards the door. Just before she disappears from my sight, she says, "And you can call me Rose. Can I call you by any nickname?"

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