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We walked around the fair and looked for rides to go on.

Johnnie and I got on this one that went really fast.

It was like a lightning bolt shot us up into the sky, then brought us down at the speed of light.

I screamed on the way down.

Man, is this what being high is like?

Johnnie and I exchanged looks and smiled. There was a small hill and on the way up, I could see Bryan looking up at us.

I could kind of see him wink at us- sounds like Bryan.

There were a couple more big hills and then the ride was over. Johnnie and I got out of our seats and met Bryan at the exit gate.

"Kohnnie" he sighed happily

"Shut up" I smacked his arm.

"Look! Cotton Candy!" Johnnie shouted and pointed to a cotton candy stand.

The three of us walked up to it and purchased two packages of cotton candy.

Bryan ate his like a pig and Johnnie picked at his with a smile.

"Come on Kyle- you have to have some cotton candy" Johnnie whined

"No. But thanks" I smiled

"I don't take no as an answer" he laughed and took a little chunk of his cotton candy and put it in front of my mouth. I opened my mouth and he plopped the cotton candy in. It slowly melted in my mouth until it was gone.

Bryan stared at us with a giant grin on his face. "Mmmmm" he raised his eyebrows real quick- but then lost his cool and started laughing. Johnnie and I both joined him.

This Side Of Us  (Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now