chapter 3

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Morning came and you all were sound asleep but you as always decided to sleep in for the day since you didn't even feel like getting up until ......"ATTENTION TO ALL SUPERJAIL INMATES" !!!! An ear piercing sound coming from the speakers making you flinch and wake up from your slumber "ugh well that's one way to get out of bed". Feeling a bit irritated getting woken up from your sleep and also noticed that the cell doors were opening and everyone running out like crazy psychopaths not caring who they push or trampled.  "wonder what the warden wants this time" jumping off the bed and started waking ash up to get ready for the morning not really knowing what this whole thing was about, plus also the fact that you didn't even pay any attention to what the warden was announcing.

*time skip*

"C'mon ash we need to hurry up" as the both of you were running towards the group of people that were gathered up for the wardens demands. One by one being flown or teleported to other parts of superjail that you never heard of. Grabbing onto ashes sleeve giving it a little tug grabbing his attention. You were about to ask him what was going on until the warden shot a glance over to you, and ash making you a bit nervous. Making you grab onto ashs arm enough for him to notice and wrap his arm around your shoulder holding you in reassurance that it will be okey. "jarred how about you send that one to the boiler room"pointing his cane in ashes direction making it clear that he wants ash to go making you even more nervous. "but sir what about the other one" jarrad points over to you "don't worry I have special plans for her". Making his way towards you then shooting a glare over to jarred making it clear that he wanted to get started on his job and leave. Then turned his attention back at you giving you a toothy grin "don't worry my dear I won't hurt you why don't I show you around this place give you the grand tour". Holding a hand out for you, hesitantly you accept it and grabbed his hand making him pull you in closer to him while the other wrapped around your waist causing you to blush. Until you realized that the floor was somehow elevating off the campus floor making you grasp onto the warden keeping your grip around his neck and and burying you face onto his chest.  (for all you humans who aren't afraid of heights in this story you are sorry but just try to go along with it it will work for the romance trust me ;) haha ok now back to story) making him blush as well until you both made it to the top of a building that took the shape of the wardens face including the tooth gap matching his. Which you thought was kinda cute also noticed a hot air balloon across from the building making its way towards both of you taking notice that it also has his face on it letting out a light giggle. As you turned your attention back to him realizing you both were an inch apart getting lost in each other's gaze making you blush a crimson red pulling away trying to hide your face as best as possible. "sorry" you whispered under your breath while trying to hide how embarrassed you were. "its fine don't worry about it" a faint blush spread across his face while giving out a light chuckle under his tone. As the both of you made your way Into the basket immediately you felt yourselves lift off into the air and into the heavens "let's sail !!" was all you heard when your vison was taken by the view you let your eyes adjust to "its so beautiful" you whispered under your tone to all these magical things you saw, your imaginative fantasties that you would dream in your sleep came to life so in the metaphorical way you were literally out of breath. As you were taking the full view and trying to obverse it more you didn't even notice yourself about to bump into the warden until you felt your back touch his chest. Him taking to notice decided to drap both his arms around your shoulders "its beautiful isn't it" nearly whispering in your ear "its simple breath taking" you responded back giving him the biggest smile you never have him returning the smile back at you. " I'm so glad you love it"

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