- 2 - I'm moving

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I wake up and look over at my alarm clock 5am, great, I roll over and climb out if bed, I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower, I walk into my room and put on my school uniform, I pick up my school bag and check I have all of my books, I walk into the kitchen and quietly make a smoothie, I put it in my bag as well as an apple and $5, I pull on a jacket and sit in the lounge, my adoptive dad walks in and sits beside me
"Make sure today to tell your teachers your moving and say goodbye to your friends, here's a note for the teachers if they don't believe you." I nod and he looks at his watch
"You should go" I nod and pick up my bag, slip my phone in my pocket, nice I reach the bus stop I notice I have to wait half an hour, I pull out my phone and go into Instagram, I see that I have a DM and click it, it's Kris Jenner, wow, I look at the caption and it says
@/KrisJenner- Hi Kelly, I can't wait to meet you, I understand when your adoptive parents told you about me and Bruce being your parents it must have shocked you, me and your father will be at the airport to take you home at 3pm on Saterday, I can't wait to see you, love mum xx I immediately reply
@/Hey_its_Kelly- Hi mum, can I call you that? I can't wait to meet you and dad, it did surprise me heaps, I have to go I have school, xx love Kelly.
I quickly pull my bus money out of my pocket and give it to the bus driver, I sit down on a seat and pull out my iPod, after what seems like forever we arrive at school and I walk to my first class, same as yesterday, maths then English, at the end of both classes I hand in my homework and explain that I'm moving, at morning tea I walk to my locker and empty the rubbish into a bin, put my books in my bag as well as heaps of notes from saffron and a couple photos, I then walk to science and writing, as well as handing in my homework and explaining I'm leaving, lunch is what I'm dreading, I walk into the cafeteria and see Suzanne waiting at a table, I quickly get in line and get pizza, I walk to the table and sit by her
"What do you have next?" She asks
"Free period, you?" I ask her
"Same as you" she says
"Suzanne I need to tell you something"
"Do I have to beat up someone?" She asks
"No, of course not, I'm moving" I say
"Were to?" She asks
"Calabasas" I say and look Down
"What, why?"she says
"I'm moving in with my biological parents" I say
"Wait what, so your parents aren't your parents" she says confused
"Yeah, I found out yesterday! I'm leaving on Saturday afternoon" I say looking down
"Oh, who are your parents?" She asks
"Kris and Bruce Jenner" I say
"No way Kelly, stop lying" she says upset
"I'm not" I say and pull out my phone and going into my DMs on Instagram, I go into the one from mum
"Here I have proof" I say and hand her my phone, she reads through, her eyes going wide
"Woah" she says and hands me my phone, I see another comment from mum and look at it
@/KrisJenner-ok princess, me and daddy will c u on Saterday xx you can call me mum.
I smile and put my phone in my pocket, I eat my pizza and we walk to the library and I return all of my books and we sit down at a table
"I'm going to miss you" I say and she smiles at me
"Me to Kelly" she smiles sadly then continues
"at least I'll be able to see you on Keeping up with the Kardashians" she says causing me to laugh, at the end of the day I get onto the bus and when I arrive at my bus stop I walk home as fast as possible and walk to my bedroom, on my bed there is a large cardboard box and suitcase as well as a note
Your mums going away for the week and I will be at work until around midnight tonight, pack your stuff, there's food in the fridge,
xx Dad.
I sigh and pick up the box then put it down, I change into sweatpants and a tank top and pull my long dark hair into a messy bun, I walk to the kitchen and eat an apple before walking back to my bedroom, I pick up my phone and see a DM, I click it and see it's from Khloe Kardashian, wow, I look at the caption
@/KhloeKardashian- Hey Kelly, it's your big sis Khloe, just wanted to say hi, wud?
@/Hey_its_Kelly- Hi Khloe, Packing, U?
@/KhloeKardashian-aww packing sucks, I'm sitting through a boring family dinner, nobody's talking, we can't wait to meet you
@/Hey_its_Kelly- I can't wait to meet you guys, I'm going to miss my friend, but she said she would just watch the show to see me.
@/KhloeKardashian- you have 1 friend?
@/Hey_its_Kelly- yeah, people think I'm a nerd because I do all advanced classes and extra homework when I can, it's only because know one here other than Suzanne (my friend) really cares, my adoptive parents are never home so I always just have time for homework and not much time for friends
@/KhloeKardashian- aww, well now you have 2 amazing parents, 5 sisters, a brother and 4 neices/nephews who all care about & love you xx
@/Hey_its_Kelly- aww thanks Khloe, how did you guys find me?
@/KhloeKardashian- the photo you posted and tagged mum in, Kim looked at it and mum went into your feed, another gorgeous Jenner sister
@/Hey_its_Kelly- I don't know about gorgeous, but thanks
@/KhloeKardashian- aww u r beautiful xx
I have to go everyone's looking at me, good luck packing xx
@/Hey_its_Kelly- ugh, kill me now, lol I hate packing xx c u whenever I c u xx
Khloe doesn't reply after that so I put my phone down, I pack all of my favourite and nicest clothes, shoes and accessories into the suitcase and then the hunger games, catching fire, mockingjay, divergent, insurgent and allegiant books into the box as well as my piano and guitar books, I charge my iPod and phone to 100% and put the chargers in the box, I look over at my guitar and quickly DM Khloe
@/Hey_its_Kelly- Hey Khloe, sorry to bother you but how much do you think I can bring?
@/KhloeKardashian- as much as you want honey xx I have to go see you soon xx
@/Hey_its_Kelly- thanks Khloe xx
I walk over to my guitar and put it in its case, I sit my suitcase, guitar and the box of books on the floor and walk to the kitchen, I look at the clock 8:30 I guess I was packing for longer than I thought, I quickly heat up the left over pasta and eat it, after food I walked into the lounge and turn on the tv, after channel surfing for about 10 minutes I settled on Keeping up with the Kardashians, it's an old episode, after the episode I look at the clock again 10pm, I walk to my bedroom and climb into bed, it's been a long day.

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