- 28 - You're Invited

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"What am I gonna do I have five stupid sisters and they all want to be bridesmaids" I groan and flop back onto my bed, the plans for the wedding scattered all over the floor
"Babe calm down, you have your five sisters as bridesmaids and I'll have Kanye, Rob, Niall, Shawn and Justin" I sit up slightly
"As In, Niall Horan from one direction, Shawn Mendes and Justin Beiber?" He nods
"If you think that'll work" I say and sigh
"And now... Dress shopping with five girls with completely different taste and style in clothes" I grumble
"You'll be fine darling, Khloe's picking you up right?"
"Yeah, in... Shit five minutes, I'm gonna go get changed" I say and run to my wardrobe, I pull off my pyjamas and put on a light pink summer dress and heels, I go to my bathroom and curl my hair and put on some lip balm.
"Kelly?!?" I hear Khloe yell and I reply
"I'm coming" I run downstairs as fast as I can and meet her
"Come on Kelly, were going shopping" I smile and follow her to her car
We pull into the shop car park and I climb out, Khloe gets out and were met by my other four sisters
"Come on Kelly" Kendall says and we link arms, and walk to the doors, the camera crew following,
"Ah the kardashian/Jenner family, now who's the lucky lady who gets to wear white?" The girls all point to me and the lady nods
"Well miss Kelly, come with me, well get a dress sorted for you, what's the colour for the bridesmaids dressed?"
"Pink" I say
"You others look for a pink dress for you, we'll be back soon"
The lady smiles
"beautiful" she says and I smile at her
"The shorter is nicer" Kylie and Kim say
"Yeah but the longer is more classy" Khloe and Kourtney say
The lady opens the door and I go out to the mirror, wow... the four girls continue there argument
"Uh, guys..." Kendall says and points to me, the others turn and there mouths drop
"Kelly you look amazing" Kim and Kourtney say and Kendall smiles
"Which dress do you like better Kelly?" She ask and I look at them both
"The longer one" I say and turn to them,
"You guys all try them on and I'll decide for sure"
"So this one miss?" The lady asks and I smile
"Wait here, i'll find you some shoes" I nod and she walks away
"You look amazing" Kylie says and I smile at her
"Thanks Kylie" I say and the lady walks back over
"I have shoes for you and the bridesmaids" she says and hands me shoes that are the same colour as the dress, I slip them on and Kylie takes the sparkly silver heels to the others, the others all walk out
"Definitely this one, you all look amazing" I say
"I'd say the same about you Kelly" Kim says and I smile at her
"We'll take these" I say and turn to the lady
"Of course, Mr Beckham has requested I charge it to his credit card, he's already given me his details" she says
"Wait... What?"
"Oh, Brooklyn said he's paying" she says and I look at her confused
"He also said he was the only one who would pay, go get changed and I'll bag the dresses for you" I sigh and walk back to the dressing room and reach for the zip, yeah nah.
"I need help with the zip" I say and she laughs, she unzips the dress and walks out, I slip the dress I was wearing before on and swap my shoes
"Are you changed? I need to bag the dress up" The lady asks as I grab my phone
"Yeah I'm done" she comes in and grabs the dress, she puts it in a white dress bag and puts the shoes in a box, I walk out and see all of the girls holding there dresses and shoes in bags and boxes
"Were all getting ready for the wedding at my place so you can hide the dress in my wardrobe so Brooklyn won't see it, cause let's face it he's gonna look" Khloe says and I nod
"Ok, thank you Khloe" I say and we put all of the dresses in her car, she drops me off at home and I walk up to my room
"Ok Niall, be quiet she'll be home soon, ok, ok bye" I walk in
"What was that about?" I ask and peck him on the cheek
"Just stuff for the wedding, but it's a secret" I pout.
"Why did you pay for my wedding dress?" I ask and he smiles
"Because I wanted to"
"Ok yeah that explains it all" I say sarcastically and yawn
"I'm going to bed" I say and go to my wardrobe, changing quickly, I walk back and get into the bed
"Ok, we have to send the invites tomorrow"
Brooklyn says
"Yeah... sure... ok" I mumble and fall slowly asleep
*The Next Day*
"So that's all three hundred guests, finally my hand hurts" I say
"All we had to do was sign our names" Brooklyn says chuckling at me
"Three hundred times" I say
"True, let's go post them"
"Yay, wait let me get dressed first" I say and run to my wardrobe, I put on black shorts, a white tank top, a purple and pink checkered shirt and black converse
"Ok I'm ready" I say and Brooklyn hands me a bunch of envelopes, we walk down the stairs and out of the driveway, we walk down to the post now and put the hundreds of white envelopes in
"Three months" Brooklyn says
"Three months" I say and kiss his cheek softly.

***//Authors Note//***
Okay, so this is a kinda filler/ important chapter but either way I hope you liked it, I'm making this really short cause an important is coming up *hint hint* 💍👰

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