- 33 - Hospital Nights

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*Kelly's POV*
"Welcome home sweetie, you too Brooklyn, I know it's early but we need to go to the hospital"
"Huh? What day is it?" I mumble
"December fourth, it's almost midnight" I nod slightly and sit up, wrapping the duvet around my shoulders
"Why are we going to the hospital?" I ask and rub my eyes
"Kim's gone into labour"
"What? Oh my god, ok I'm gonna put some clothes on and wake Brooklyn, we'll... Meet you by the car soon" I say and she nods, walking out
"Brooklyn, Brooklyn baby wake up, Brooklyn" he sits straight up
"Are you okay?" He asks and I nod
"Yeah, Kim's gone into labour, we need to get dressed and go to the hospital" he nods and I stand up and walk to my wardrobe,
I hurriedly throw on a white tank, dark blue jeans and converse, I grab my phone and shove it in my pocket before rushing to the bathroom, Brooklyn walks out and into the wardrobe as I shuffle through and over to the vanity, I brush my teeth and drag a brush through my knotty hair, I grab a lip balm and shove it next to my phone.
Me and Brooklyn race down the stairs and into the Car, where mum is waiting, we drive to the hospital and all rush to Kim's room, I notice that it's only her, Kanye and khlo was we walk in
"Where's Kourtney? And Kylie and Kendall?" Mum asks
"Kourtney is with her kids, Kendall's got a modelling thing and is in Paris and Kylie is in London for something" I nod and we sit down next to Kim, waiting for the baby to come.
At around two am my eyes feel droopy and I fall fast asleep.
I wake up in the early morning to the sound of screaming, Kim is covered in sweat and crying out in pain, light shines through the windows and makes the room sparkle.
Cries echo through the room and Kim finally relaxes and sinks down into the pillows behind her
"God I can't believe you're going to have to do that one day" Brooklyn whispers, wrapping his arms around me as the doctor hands the small baby bundled up in blue to the beaming couple
"Hey my baby boy, I'm gonna name you Saint" I shake my head and look up at my husband who is already staring back at me, I smile at him, and he smiles back as I whisper
"Well I can't wait"
***//Authors Note//***
Congratulations to Kim and Kanye on they're new baby boy and the newest addition to their family, I don't know who chose/came up with the name, nor do I know if anyone was actually they're (other than Kimye) so this chapter is made up with all the information I could gather from websites and stuff,
Saint West
Early morning, December 5.

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