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          After a sleepless night within the cave, Azula and Logan had an awkward breakfast of some salvaged ration packs before taking what little they had and trekking into the forest to find the others. Neither have said a word to each other about the events in the cave. Except the occasional glance or grunt from climbing over downed trees and cutting through foliage. The two trek for what seemed like hours before they came to a small clearing. The sun hung high in the clear skies.

"What time is it, Jedi," Azula asked.

Logan looked up and around, he has a distinct look of concentration, wanting to find the correct words for the question. "Best guess is midday, your highness," he says.

Azula's face slightly wrinkles in annoyance as she plants both her feet firmly on the ground and puts her hands on her hips. "I am not going any further until you tell me the plan, Jedi!" she says, defiantly.

Logan runs a hand over his face in slight irritation as he takes in some and air and slowly releases it before turning to address Azula. "Your highness," he says calmly. "Rule of thumb says, 'if there's a stream or a body of water nearby, follow it downstream, as that's where civilization is...usually'," he says.

Azula, still standing as she was, arches one of her eyebrows. "Usually," she says, unconvinced. "Do you mean to tell me you're guessing!" she exclaims.

"There is no guessing when it comes to the Force, your highness," Logan says. "I simply follow where it motions me to go, and it's telling me that our way back to our friends is that way," he says, motioning down the forest.

Azula stares at him for a moment. She doesn't understand the Force, but she's seen him use it and others like him. Before she can speak, he begins to talk again. "If you don't like the way we are going you are more than welcome to take charge. After all, you're the diplomat and I'm the mere Jedi protector who offered his services on this wonderful excursion," Logan says, his voice tinged with sarcasm.

Azula reluctantly lowers her stance and motions him to lead on.

They make their way to the edge of a large clearing. "Once we get to the clearing, I should be able to get a better gauge of where we're at," Logan says confidently. Azula crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

"Your vote of confidence is 'oh so' appreciated, your highness," Logan says, sarcastically.

"Don't start, Jedi. We're in the thick of it as is," Azula retorts.

"Gee, I wonder why," Logan says, under his breath.

"You got something to say, then say it!" Azula snaps

Logan tenses up in anger and turns around to look at her. "That depends, your worshipfulness. Are you gonna attack me for speaking the truth, because it 'hurts your feelings', he pauses. "Or, and hear me out, are you going to actually listen?" he continues.

Azula narrows her eyes again. "That depends, how does the saying go where you're from?" She pauses and walks forward, stands directly in front of Logan, looking up at him. "I believe it's how much you 'piss me off'," she says, curtly.

"Is that right?" Logan responds, equally curt.

Before Logan can respond he turns and cocks his head. Azula switches to a look of victory on her face. "What, no comeback?" she says.

"There's someone coming," Logan says.

"I don't hear anything," Azula says.

"Listen," Logan says, motioning out.

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