#2 First Day; First Disaster

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"So, Mr. David Trueheart and Ms. Rebecca Trueheart, you're both an early riser, I take?" Mr. Simons, the headmaster asked us after we arrived school an hour early. 

"Not really," I said while trying to be as comfortable as I can while sitting on Mr. Simons high backed chair. "We're nervous, Sir." 

Bec send me a raised eyebrow. Somehow, Mr. Simons didn't see it.  

"Your family moved a lot." I was not a question. 

"Our family are adventurous sort. At least our parents and my brother are." This time it's Bec who answered, and it's me who send her a raise eyebrows. 

"You're witch?" Another. 

"Wicca is our parents' choice of religion." She answered with her usual coolness, no hint on how fanatic da and ma always talked with the term of 'our people'.  

"You parents', not yours then?"  

Bec and I looked at each other. We have been through with this kind of session just to many times. Each time we answered the same questions with same answered. The look we're giving each other now is not the one searching for answer, rather, it's one of 'would you save me from this crap' look. 

Finally, I answered. "My parents' choice. We went by them. On the other hand, we don't know enough of other beliefs to make our own choice." 

"Oh," mild but clear, I could see Mr. Simons guilt for asking us this. "I guess it's enough for now. This is your schedule," he said while handing us our schedule, "in case that you need consulting or patient pair of ears, my office's door is open to you." 

"Thank you, Sir." We answered in unison. Like we need gossiping headmaster listening to all sort of our problem. 


The first session is Trig. I don't care much for this lesson, but I'm shaking on my way to classroom, nonetheless. I've been a new student too many times to understand that first impression is the most important. If you're cool on the first look, then you've established youself in the cool guys circle. But if you trips and stumble through the first introduction, then you have to work your way up the social ladder from the bottom. 

307, finally. I cross-check once again before I entered. It will not do entering a wrong class on first day. Yap, I got it right. I don't know if it's only me or the door really weight tons, but I had to strungle to get the door open. Damn. I'm sweating. 

There are around fifteen kids in this room, boys talking and joking in one side of room and girl on the other side. Some of the girl mixed with boys and some of the boys mixed with what appear to be their girlfriends. Everybody stopped from their conversation, eyeing me. Like every other small towns, in this town most of the kids grew up with each other, and knows all the town residents. A new face usually invites two kind of reaction : suspicion and curiosity. Now, is my chance. When they're still trying to establish whether i'm a jock or a geek, I had to 'help' them decide. 

"Hi," I said while putting up my best smile. People always said that I had kinda handsome face, and now I'm putting my full effort to make use of it. "The name's David, I'm new around here." 

"Hi," One of the girls said with calculating smile. "You must be one of the Trueheart that move here a week ago, right? I'm Jessica." She said while extending her hand. "Call me Jesse." 

I took her hand, not too soon to appear too eager, and not too late to make her feel I don't like her. "Nice to meet you, Jesse. You may call me Dave. And yeah, my last name is Trueheart but it doesn't help me to explain to my ex that I'm true hearted to her." 

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