chapter 10:

31 0 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

(Theme starts playing in the background)

Lex emerged himself by using the spychoframe of his gundam like he did before when he first arrived on this earth. His body & soul emerge leaving a empty cockpit.

So because he can move alot more freely making modoka in shock.


He attacked her relentlessy.

(Something like this but different)

Amuro banagher rita & other pilots deal with phantom task dogas outside the island of is academy. Is student's are awed & afraid that giant robots fighting outside the academy.

" this what a mobile suit war looks like? "

" our infinite stratos are extremely outclassed against these giant machines "


Modoka comms: " what the?. "

Then out of knowhere beam shot through left shoulder area. She looks behind saw rezel custom piloted by alcott.

Alcott: mrs modoka orimura. That is you stole belongs to my country.

Modoka: " i am not giving it back to you brit "

She used funnels to escaped the two. Out of knowhere rin shows up in her black pheonix rxo m quickly reacted to turned around with a slash her half only rin fooled with a split image that revealed to be houki in her gundam.

Modoka: WHAT?

red gundam grabbed her & threw her in the ground. Modoka recovered flying away & recovered. Something different about houki herself.

Lex landed he emerged from a energy spychoframe field like pixels instead of opening the cockpit & zip lined out from it.

Shocking maya & kanzashi.

Maya: how the hell did you do that

Lex: explain later. Chifuyu is here

Chifuyu herself is piloting her gundam. Chifuyu looked at inside houki's cockpit via video audio connection like normal pilots do but instead she finds the cockpit empty.

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