Dr Pepper

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A/N: I am really sorry, this has been posted on fanfiction.net for a while, but my laptop has been broken for a while now so I couldn't upload it on wattpad, so i hope you enjoy this long overdue chapter.

Chapter 2

We walked into the class room, I looked around, at the front there was a big board with a welcome back message projected onto it. In front of the board there was a large desk with a teacher stood behind it. We headed over there.

"Ahh Piper good morning, who is this?" the teacher asked gesturing to me

"This is Alex, Alex, this is Mr Piers, our form teacher." I stuck out my hand which he took and shook firmly

"Sir I was wondering if I could give Alex a tour of the school, since she is new and she doesn't really know her way round?" Piper asked with her puppy eyes in full effect, she could sure be persuasive.

"Okay, I will e-mail your next teacher if you would like?" Mr Piers asked as he took a seat on the chair by his desk as he began to type on his laptop.

"That would be great thank you sir" Piper said with a 1000 watt smile plastered on her face.

"Who is your next teacher?" He asked

"Mr Jones" I said before Piper could.

"Ah I'm glad you can actually speak Alex" He chuckled as I shot an angry look at Piper for answering the questions.

"Yes well Piper didn't give me a chance to speak" I said with a small smile playing on my lips.

"Can we go now sir?" Piper asked

"yes go, and Alex I hope you enjoy the school, and I also wish you a good first day" he said as he ushered us out the room and he closed the door before we could say goodbye.

"You could have let me speak a little Pipes" I said exasperatedly as I followed her down the corridors.

"I'm sorry but I wanted to get out there quickly" she said as she turned right

"It's okay, so where are we going?" I asked her as we kept walking, turning down another corridor every so often. As I walked I looked at the walls and noticed a lot of posters, from anti-bullying to school events and activities. We passed many class rooms with a class of students inside all talking and laughing, obviously talking about the holidays, and gossiping about things they saw and did during them. High school wasn't so bad, I mean you get those girls who always think they are better than you and who gossip about everyone and anyone, then you get the popular guys who think they can get any girl they want and who think they are the best at everything. But other than that high school isn't so bad.

"We are going to the sports hall, there is no P.E. today because it is the first day so I thought we could go there and talk for a while, then I will take you on a quick tour and finally I will take you to second lesson."

"Sounds good to me." We took one last turn before we got to the sports hall. Piper pushed open the door and held it open.

"After you." She gestured in to the sports hall.

----------------------------time skip-------------------------------

It was last lesson and I was quite enjoying going home and relaxing before my mum got home. I was sat next to Piper who I discovered was in most of my lessons, which was kind of cool.

We were in maths at the minute and our teacher Mrs Halt was boring me to death with quadratic formula, which I already knew.

"So how would you find out the answer to x2 +2x-8?" the teacher asked as she pointed toward the board. I put my hand up as I knew the answer.

"Alex?" the teacher asked as I stood up and took the pen off the teacher and wrote how to do it and sat down. Quadratic equations are simple I thought as the teacher congratulated me on getting the question right.

"Okay that is the end of the lesson, everyone pack up and get out of here" the teacher said as she rubbed out my working out on the board.

"So what are you going to do tonight?" Piper asked as she packed her stuff up behind me

"I don't know, probably just going to go home and relax, why" you replied as you closed your bag. She looked up as you turned round and helped her pack up.

"Just wondering" Piper said as we made our way out the class room.

"Hey do you want to come round, my mum isn't home until seven and I have money for food" you said pushing open the classroom door, Piper looked excited as she said yes, we walked out of school.

"So where do you live?" Piper asked, we were walking down the road by the school, I loved the road, it was so quiet and cars hardly ever passed by.

"the house at the end, it's not that big, but it is enough for me and my mum" I said, we were nearing m house and I was nervous, what if she laughed at me because my house was small? What if she didn't want to be friends because of it? All of these questions were swirling in my head as we reached my front door.

The house wasn't much, it was a small 3 bedroom semi-detached house with a small front garden and a medium sized back garden, the front garden has a narrow pathway leading to the door, to the left of the path there was a paved area with a small neatly cut square with a small tree growing out of it, and to the right was some grass with a border cut around it housing a variety of plants.

"I love your garden, who planted those plants, it looks amazing" Piper said with a smile on her face, I can usually tell when people are lying and Piper is currently telling the truth.

I put my key into the lock "My mum did it" I twisted the key "She loves to garden, so do I but my mum is better at designing it and making it look nice" I pushed the handle down and opened the door, I stepped inside and moved toward the kitchen slowly waiting for Piper to come in and close the door.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink Piper?" I asked as she closed the door and made her way to the kitchen.

"Could I have a drink please?" she asked, so I made my way over to the fridge and looked inside.

"Would you like, Coke, Dr Pepper, Juice or water?" I asked grabbing myself a can of Dr Pepper.

"Dr Pepper please" She said leaning against the counter while looking around the kitchen.

"Good choice, Dr Pepper is one of my favourite drinks"

" Same here."

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