Esther |25|

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WC: 1550

Enna woke up sobbing immediately engulfed into Hope's arms.

"What wrong? Enna? What happened." Hope asked as she held her and rubbed her back. Enna tried to speak but it was ineligible as she cried.

Keelin, Marcel, and Freya stood up worried. What had happened in there? They looked around at the Mikaelson's and Hayley who were just beginning to wake up.

As soon as they woke up Hayley and Elijah rushed to Enna, then she was pulled away from Hope and hugged by them.

"It's okay, you're okay." Hayley whispered softly reassurances in Enna's ear.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Enna." Elijah apologized over and over.

The rest of the Originals held somber expressions, guilt evident in their features.

"What happened?" Marcel asked his fiancée quietly.

"Esther happened." Rebekah answered with a gulp as she wiped a stray tear. She felt ridiculous crying when it was Enna who had suffered. She just couldn't help it, she, like the rest of her siblings felt a variety of emotions.

Sympathy, for Enna and everything she went through. They could never imagine going through all that, it was a miracle the girl never turned evil. They would've, they sort of did.

They also felt grateful, in a way. They would never say it aloud. That they were relieved nothing like that had ever happened to them, their sisters, who had grown up in times where girls were married off.

They also felt guilty, guilty that their mother had caused Enna to relive such horrible and traumatic experiences. Guilty that it was only due to the fact that Enna had opened up her mind to them that Esther was able to even create that place.

They also felt angry. Not at Enna, but at Esther, for doing that to Enna. Enna's husband, for doing those things to her. Enna's father, for marrying her off to such a horrible man. Klaus could never imagine allowing Hope to be in the vicinity of such a cruel man let alone marry him.

They hadn't known Enna very long but they all cared for her. She put their family back together again out of the goodness of her heart when could've easily killed them all. They had each established a relationship with her afterwards.

Sure, at first it was out of mere feelings of obligation to check in on the girl. However they soon grew to enjoy her company and conversation.

Not only did they owe the girl, but they wanted to help her.

The only thing is, they didn't know how.


"Phoebe is married!?" Enna gasped as she watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

In order to distract herself from what had happened with Esther and to not fall asleep she decided to watch television.

Hope, Hayley, and Elijah didn't want to leave her alone so they were also on the couch. Although, Hope had fallen asleep halfway through the last episode.

"Yup." Hayley said as she put some chips in her mouth before offering Enna some.

"What is a green card?" Enna asked as she munched on some chips.

Currently the character Phoebe was talking about how she married a gay man so he could get a green card and Enna didn't know what that was.

"Something so people can stay in the country." Elijah explained as he flipped a page in his book.

"....I don't have a green card.." Enna mumbled. "Will I have to marry?!" She asked worried.

"No! No sweetie you don't have to get married." Hayley reassured her.

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