Chapter 1 New Student

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Highschool Drama:

It was Eren's first day at his new Highschool and he knew NO ONE! He was kind of the shy one (seme), and he nervously made his way to his first lesson.
"H-hello? Is this Pyshcis?" Eren asked the teacher quietly.
"Yes, you must be Eren Jaeger? The new studen?" The teacher questioned. Eren nodded and walked in over to the teacher. He had his hands together nervously and slightly red from embaressment.
"Ok class this is our new pupil, he will be joining us for the rest of the year and onwards. Hes name is Eren Jaeger" The teacher stated. Some kids didnt seem to be to keen on him but other smiled and asked if he wanted to sit with them. Eren walked to a random seat next to a raven haired, short boy.
"H-hi..." Eren said to him. The black haired kid stared at him with a blunt look then spoke.
"Sup, im Levi.. Levi Ackerman.." The boy said. Eren smiled faintly and nodded.
"Hi Levi. Thats a nice name? Eren complimented. Levi said nothing and look back down at his work. Levi wasnt the one to socialize much or even talk to anyone in that matter. The raven haired boy was wearing an untucked shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and loose tie and tight pants with a black belt, he wore smartish shoes that where polished fairly. Eren gazed at the figure of Levi but quickly looked away and at his paper. He placed his bag on the floor and pulled out a pen. As for Eren he was dressed smartly with his shirt tucked in, sleeves rolled down, smart pants and a belt with fairly polish shoes as well, and his tie was fixed and in perfect condition. Levi took short glares at Eren then sighed.
"Ugh Eren you look to smart... you dont have to, no one does..." Eren looked at him confused.
"Well... I like looking smart, its poliet" Eren replied then carried on writing. Levi sat back in his chair then rested his feet on the table like he would occasinally do.
"Levi Ackerman! Take your feet of the desk this instant!" The teacher shouted at Levi. He just groaned and lazily pulled them off and slouched in his chair with his arms crossed. Eren didnt seem to be to keen on Levi but he knew he had to deal with him and get used to it.
"Yo Eren, cos your new, i actually want to kind... want lunch with me?" Levi kindly offered. Erens face slightly lit up.
"Uh... s-sure why not" Eren smiled. The bell went for the end of the lesson so the whole class packed their stuff into their bags and went for lunch. Levi sat on the desk waiting for Eren who was being a perfectionist and packing his stuff neatly.
"Eren... you dont need to be so tidy.." Eren sighed and continued. Finally they left and walked to the cantine and sat down to eat lunch.
"So Eren, tell me about you?" Levi asked while munching on his food.
"Well.. you know my name.. I am 15 years old.. I live alone and I like video games and I am quiet shy so I dont get in relationships or friendships much. I am single and-" Levi cut him off by asking.
"Are you straight?" Eren raised an eyebrow and stuttered.
"Am I straight.." Eren blushed and looked away as he nervously replied.
"N-no... I-im gay.." Levi chuckled and sighed.
"Ah, why was you so nervous just to say you're gay?! Seriously dude no one cares... Jean and Marco are gay and everyone accepts it. They even make out.." Levi stated. Eren blushed more and continued eating.
"Well I dont like being to open about things... what about you... tell me about you.." Eren asked shyly. Levi smirked. "Alright. Names Levi, I am 15, I live alone, I like videogames and doing random shit, I am single but I date anyone. I am bisexual" Levi said with a shrug. Eren glared at him.
"you dont seem to care about being open about yourself do you?" Eren said. Levi shook his head and ate his food quickly. "Nope! i could tell you about my sex life if you wanted!" Levi said smirking and giggling. Erens eye widened.
"No I am fine thanks..." Eren has finally finished eating as well then Levi dragged Eren off behind the school to the Bike Shed.
"Uh why are we here?" Eren said in question.
"Do you smoke?" Levi asked as he pulled out a cigarette and a lighter then lighting the cigarette.
"I-ive never tried it... I never really wanted to.." Eren replied watching as Levi puffed the smoke into his face. Eren coughed and blew it away.
"Want to try it?" Levi offered his the cigarette. Eren took it and stared at it weirdly.
"U-uh... alright.." Eren inhalded the smoke then coughed alot.
"Ek! thats disgusting!" Levi laughed and took it back.
"Nooby smoker" Levi continued to smoke without a care in the world. Eren leaded against the wall beside Levi and stared at the shorted boy. Eren bit his lip in question and scanned his body up and down several times. Levi glanced over and noticed Eren scanning his body.
"Is something wrong Jaeger?" Levi asked with a smirk. Eren quickly averted his eyes and blushed.
"N-no! I just thought I saw something! I didnt mean to distract you.." Eren said with a stutter. Levi chuckled and put out his cigarette.
"Come here.." Levi turned to Eren and grabbed his arms and pinned them to the wall. Erens eye widened and went completely red.
"L-levi?! W-what on earth are you doing?!" Eren squirmed at Levis grip but Levi didnt reply but just kissed Eren with such beauty. Eren froze with his eyes wide staring at Levi who in which has his eyes closed. Levi then pulled away and let of his wrists and leaned against the wall again.
"Thats what you wanted.." Eren still in shock tried to reply but just stood and trembled. Levi laughed.
"Something wrong? Dont tell me... that was your first kiss?!" Levi raised an eyebrow. Eren slowly nodded.
"I-it was..." Levi snickered.
"Well dont be to shocked... you was going to have to kiss someone evencually" Levi stated. Eren picked up his bag and started to walk away without warning.
"Yo Jaeger, where you going?" Levi asked.
"Back to class... we're late!" Eren said as he quickly ran to class. Eren entered the Class room panting.
"Sorry Im late! I got caught up and didnt realize the time!" The teacher nodded and pointed to a seat.
"You shall sit next to Jean" Tje teacher said. Eren looked over to the light brown haired kid who was dressed quiet similar to Levi but was wearing sneakers. Eren walked over and sat down along with putting his bag beside him.
"Hey..." Eren said with a smile. Jean smirked and patted his back quiet roughly.
"Sup! Yeah Im Jean, you look like a smartass" Jean said with a smirk. Eren groaned and knew that he was going to bully him.
"No..." Eren said and started writing. He also noticed that Jean had not done any work at all. So be knew he ment trouble. Levi then walked in the room lazily.
"Yeah Im late again..." Levi said and slouched down in his seat. The teacher sighed.
"For goodness sake Levi! Stay after class!" The teacher said with a slightly angered tone.
Eren glared at Levi from across the room. As Eren sat the back of the class and Levi sat near the front, it was hard for Eren to see him. Eren then noticed Jean and Marco passing notes to each other from across the class and them giggling. So Eren peeked at the piece of paper that Marco passed Jean which read, "Oh Jean, cant wait for tonight baby ;)" Eren averted his eyes knowly exsactly what that ment. Levi suddenly stood up and walked to eren and handed him some paper.
"Ackerman! Get to your seat!" The teacher shouted. Levi sighed and walked back to his seat and sat down and played with his pen. Eren opened the piece of paper which read, "meet me after school by the bike shed ~Levi" Eren then looked up at Levi who was smirking over at him. Eren quickly looked down blushing.

-End of school-
After school Eren walked to the Bike shed where Levi said for him to meet him. Eren didnt see Levi around anywhere so he waited a while.. Still Levi didnt appare so Eren went to turn around to go home, but before he could Levi appeared behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"So jaeger... you read my note" Levi said with a smirk. Eren went bright red and pulled away fron Levis grip.
"Yes... what did you want me for?" Eren asked shyly. Levi grabbed his wrist and started dragging him home.
"come to my place... i get bored and i guess you will do." Levi said bluntly. Eren glared at him in confusion but followed him anyway. As soon as they got to Levis house Levi threw his bag across the room and kicked his shoes off, then sat down lazily on the couch.
"Eren sit your ass down"
Eren nodded as he put his bag down and took his shoes off neatly. He then sat beside Levi awkwardly.
"Uh... what now? I bearly know you, and... im at your house?" Eren said. Levi sat up and pushed Eren down and started kissing him roughly.
"Then lets get to know each other" Levi said with a smirk as he started undressing Eren by unbuttoning his shirt. Erens eyes widened and tried to push Levi off by knew there was no use as he knew Levi didnt give a shit.
"L-levi?! W-wha-"
"shh" Levi continued to undress him until he was in just his pants that where loose as Levi took the belt off and unzipped them. Levi took off his own shirt and removed his own belt and unzipped them. He continued to kiss Eren roughly then licking his lower lip. Eren knew he wanted accses and trembled as he opened his mouth allowing him so. Eren closed his eyes tightly and blushed fully red as he felt Levis tounge explore every inch of his mouth then gaining domicance.
Levi started to rub Eren's crotch hard and smirked as he pulled away from the kiss, which left a string of slava connecting the two.
"L-levi..." Eren stopped himself from talking and was slowly starting to enjoy this as he let out a small moan as Levi rubbed him.
"Well Eren?" Levi asked with a smirk. He the began to pull down Eren's pants and boxers.
"So you are turned on by this?" Levi said as he smirked at Eren's length.

-To be continued-

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