· Authors Note ·

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Copyright © 2015- by Alyce Rose

All rights reserved.

Cover design by Alyce Rose
Book design by Alyce Rose

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Well would you look at that you my main decided to give this book a try. You smart person you. (I know that sounds so weird)

I'm Alyce Rose aka Ms. Boombastic (I love Shaggy reason I have this username) and I'm excited that you're giving my book a chance! I wrote stories before (several) but I only posted one here. I didn't like it much so I took it off. All I'm asking here is just give it a chance. Critism is key here no matter if its bad or good it'll help me improve my writing. Honestly posting a story here on wattpad is kind of nerve wrecking but life is about taking chances so this is a chance. Anyhöe enough about me.

This story is between Arianda and Xavier. This story may contain violence, swearing, some gory scenes, but we all know this story is gonna have some romance because this is Wattpad and everyone is a helpless romantic here no matter how much you try to deny it you know its true. I'm talking to you too person who is reading behind that person's shoulder who's reading it online/on the phone. (Did I loose you there?) You my friend are a hopeless romantic. Welcome to the club.

Basically this story has always been in my documents but I really didn't write anything. So I thought eh what the hell lets post it on Wattpad and that's how it got here..where people can read my story..well damn. I just realized people can read my story.. Haha yay. *note the sarcasm* Okay I'm ranting. I'm going to stop now.

Therefore first update should be around  September or October and well I hope you enjoy it.

Remember critize! I need to know what you guys think! Besides maybe it'll help me out on this journey. So thanks so much.

See ya soon my fellow boombastics,

Alyce (the one and only) Rose

Also ladies and gentlemen (who knows maybe there's some guys reading this) I present to you.

The Alpha's Dhampir.

The Alpha's DhampirWhere stories live. Discover now