Meet The Boys

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Meet the boys!

Ace is the second in command, he has medium-length brown hair and green eyes. He was what girls would consider handsome, though he was a lazy bum. He is my follower, literally, since the 3rd grade. The guy is a total gentleman(not the Psy kind of gentleman) and is quite shy around chicks. He is what most would call 'innocent', considering he has never had a girlfriend. Ace has family problems though. His mother is a drug dealer and his old man rents prostitutes. The whole gang is there for hims though so he doesn't get lonely and runs off to commit suicide.

Aaron was our bad boy. Every single shitty day he would come to the flat with new cuts and bruises. The weird mind of girls labeled him 'Smexy'. With his mysterious aura, his medium-length blond hair-which was usually styled into a Mohawk- and his cold blue eyes, he could make any girl melt. Even though Aaron acted tough on the inside, we all knew he was a big softy at heart. He would never step on an ant when he walked and he wouldn't hurt a fly. I guess you could call him a nature freak. Aaron never raised his hand at a woman and never would.

Ciel was our cute little brother. He was all fluffy and lovely and rabbity and well, you get the point. He was just plain adorable. I had to say that all the guys were protective of him, always watching out for him, making sure he didn't get hurt. He is pretty clumsy. His unruly blue hair gave him a messy look that would have made others look like hobos, and his grey eyes made us look at the world in a better light, no exaggeration.

Koren, the self proclaimed cool one, was all about his looks. He loved his high status and carried himself with a prideful stride. He was always hanging around Mischa, both of them are pretty close. Koren had blond curly hair and green eyes. Most girls fell at his knees and he liked that, before a certain girl tried to rape him in public. It wasn't pretty. It left him scarred and he now has an 'allergic reaction' whenever a girl comes near him.

Mischa is Koren's right hand man. He is our playboy, having broken the most hearts a man could possibly achieve. He is a heartless sex god who will break any heart, male or female, for fun. We tried to talk him out of it but he had to go to therapy for 2 weeks because he stopped hurting people for 3 days. Girls, some knowing about his intentions, still strip themselves for him. But who wouldn't? He looks like a model with his high cheekbones, his always perfect blond hair and his chocolate brown eyes.

Sean was the cold one. He didn't talk to anyone until we came along. He opened up to us but still keeps some secrets. He likes to keep to himself and has 'artistic' point of views. He is rather stupid when it comes to relationships but is smart intellectually. He has lack of social interaction which makes him shy sometimes. Still he holds a mask over his face which always seems to say 'Fuck off!' His looks make him seem like an easy target, with his brown wavy hair that reached his neck and his light grey eyes, but beware, he could probably knock you out with one punch.

Polo was the sporty one. He had the good looks and the attitude to go along with it. Not only was he handsome but he was also funny, smart and kind. He didn't get blinded by the blissful popularity. He was always surrounded by friends and he was the one who took care of Ciel most of the time. He has won many awards from placing first in the National Spelling Bee to winning basketball games. He also has a talent for the guitar. He is the complete hot packet for women to prey upon. Polo has short black hair and entrancing purple eyes. He talks a lot though.

Me? I was just their leader. They were my family, I loved them and that's all that matters.

Even though I call ourselves a gang we are more like a family. It's just friends hanging around together in the good and bad times. Always being there for one another. Like the time that Ciel had to get his tooth removed because of a cavity, we all bombed his house with sweets when his parents were'nt home. I know that sounds like-WTF!? he just got a tooth removed because of a cavity and you're giving him candy?- but the kid LOVES candy, so why not let him be happy?

There was also the time when Polo had a stalker girl who would throw her underwear all over his house. We caught her and took her to the police where we hoped she would be sent to a mental institution. Or the time when it got real bad for Ace at his house, his old man was pointing a gun at Ace's mom because she had gotten up late and hadn't given her husband his breakfast so the gang kind of beat the crap out of him. It felt good, the man needed to be taught a lesson. It seems like Ace's old man couldn't keep on with the times, didn't he know this was the 21st century where woman had rights, not the freaking early 1800's?

So we are not the kind of street gang who like to fight anything for fun, maybe Aaron does, but we warn him. We are all like a giant meatball, all mushed together. We were together since 3rd grade and that is not going to change. Family isn't the people who you live with, but the people who you love. So now that we were going on vacation, I believe we will need our friendship more than anything.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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