Chapter One

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A/N: So this is the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Also, just a warning, there's a side of Ziam, but they're not in the story a lot. Just the beginning and then towards the end, so if you don't like Ziam, don't worry there's not a lot. Also, I put a picture on the side so you could see the outfit that Harry is wearing because I think I was horrible at describing it. Enjoy!


                The sun is pelting down onto Harry’s back when he began hitchhiking in the morning. He’s grateful for the change from the usual cloudy skies or rain, but it’s bright and warm even with the slightly cool air and he’s not used to it. It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t have as many layers on, but these were the only clothes he had. Even if he took off some of them, he would be left carrying the clothing articles but he already had to carry his heavy bag that was full so he didn’t want to carry anything more. He’s wearing what he is always wearing.  He’s wearing blue plaid pajama pants. He has the sleeves rolled up and tucked back on the matching pajama shirt with a plain white t-shirt underneath it all. To pull the outfit together, he’s wearing, as always, white Converse and a black hat that he thinks is a fedora but he isn’t for sure. He never knew much about hats anyways.

                The clothes always gave Harry many stares from strangers, but he didn’t care. They were convenient and comfortable, and sometimes, they got him the attention that he needed.

                Harry is lost in his thoughts when a car finally pulls up to a stop next to him. He looks over and smiles in at the people in the front. There’s two young males in the car and he thinks they look pretty friendly. Harry opened the car door, gently easing in his bag into the backseat first before crawling in himself. He shut the car door behind him before sitting up straight and smiling slightly. Before he even had a chance to thank the men for picking him up, the two are already bickering.  

                “Zayn, I told you to put away that cigarette,” one of the men said. From what Harry could see of him, he had short brown hair and a deep voice.  “They’re nasty. I hate them. I told you not to smoke them anymore.”

                “I’m not smoking it, Liam,” the other man argued back, sounding as if it should be obvious. This man had raven hair that was styled up into a quiff. “I’m just holding it. Nothing wrong with that.” Harry leaned over some and noticed the unlit cigarette being held between Zayn’s fingers while he held onto the steering wheel.

                “I still don’t like it,” Liam replied. “I don’t like cigarettes. Why do you think I got you to try and quit smoking?”

                “I just want one more, and you never let me had one even though it was my birthday, Liam, let me at least hold the bloody thing,” he shot back.

                The car was silent for a few minutes after that and Harry felt a bit awkward. He felt like he needed to say something, but the pair hadn’t even acknowledged him yet. “It’s your birthday?” he finally asked. “Happy birthday.”

                “It was actually yesterday, but thank you,” Zayn replied.

                “No, thank you, for picking me up,” Harry politely responded.

                “You’re welcome.”

                Harry opened his mouth, about to say something, when Liam started talking to him first. “He only picked you up to annoy me,” he said.

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